ok, well i havent updated in a while. so i guess ill start from friday.
friday i sleptover traci's house. man oh man that was fun. ahaha. we played with beads too and made "books". haha.
saturday i went home around 5ish and my dad had fixed his old dirtbike. he was riding it around the house/woods and i took some cool pictures. eventually were gonna get three new dirtbikes (one for my dad, ryan and me) so he can teach us. cool beans. after that we went to go bowling but the only place around here was brookfield lanes and it was cosmic bowling that night which also meant $15 a person plus shoes. so then we drove around to see if there was another bowling place and when we couldnt find one we went to loews to see if willy wonka and the chocolate factory was playing. lucky for us we got there at 9 and it started at 9:15. that was cool. so yeah, we saw that, which was cute.
sunday, i cant really remember. so ill skip it. it must not have been that important.
monday was monday. layed around. practice. whatever. not much.
tuesday was boring too. didnt really do anything till my trumpet lesson at 5:30.
today started out boring but then squirt came over and we hung out for a while. she saw what martha stewart for the first time and tried "horn" (corn) dogs. cause shes a loser. and calls them horndogs. ahah that was funny. buyt the corndogs were gross. we ended up watching sabrina the teenage witch, 2 episodes of realword and most of date my mom. "and by soap i mean..."
that was fun. then she left so she could go to the flag sectional at 4:30. so now i have to get dressed and go to guard too. gross. marching. ahg.