(no subject)

Sep 29, 2006 14:38

Title: Beginning
Author: studyingstones2
Pairing: Seto/Mokuba
Rating: R for incesty m/m sex
Summary: 745 words, prompt: New
Disclaimer: Not my characters, no profit, literary value, etc.

It's a little... rambly. Jumbled up and strange but I can't seem to fix that without cutting out sentences or parts of sentences that I don't want to cut out... Also, ehee! I'm 1/20th of the way through my prompt table.

It starts.

And that first time, it would have to have been Mokuba's fault. Because Seto would certainly have been lusting after him (for years...) but his Nii-sama would never give into that- that base a desire without considerable... prompting.

And yet (despite that firm control, that control which Seto had prided himself on ever since Gozaburo's death- ever since the chess game- ever since always) the considerable prompting turns out to be only a too-long glance, a childish baring of flesh, a wriggle in just the right wrong way (all done completely unconsciously because Mokuba might be a Kaiba, might have Seto for a brother, might be far too old for his age, but he's still undeniably a child and still just as unquestionably (until that first time, anyway) innocent.)

And Seto can't help it (never could...) Seconds only before he's shoved Mokuba down onto the rug (trying to be gentle but failing so completely) and something's wrong here because Mokuba's squirming into- instead of down and away from- his touch, little-boy eyes wide with- what? Fear, confusion? Seto doesn't know. But it's hard to think of that when he's finally got the body he's desired for so long beneath him.

Except that when he enters his brother, after prep involving nothing more than a quick twist of one or two spit-slicked fingers (because that's all the waiting he could possibly stand), Mokuba's too-wide eyes fill with tears and it occurs to Seto that this is rape and that's enough to shock him out of his haze of unthinkingness.

Long moments as he fights a desperate battle with himself- can't make himself pull away and can't let himself continue.

Time moves slowly here...

(And it's not helping at all that he's endlessly distracted from his struggle by the oh-so-fucking-tight heat of his brother's insides.)


Faintest brush of fingertips across his shoulders, small cant of hips that draws Seto in deeper and pushes Mokuba's- hard- cock up against Seto's belly, parting of lips to drag in air in a gasp that decides Seto's battle for him.

And then they're fucking. Seto's fingers driving bruises into Mokuba's skin that he knows (in that back corner of his mind that has no control whatsoever over his actions) that he'll regret later when the sweat and sticky semen of their exertions has been washed away (not that there's a single portion of this entire incident that he's not going to regret later, but the bruises all the more so because they'll remind him forcefully of all else that he regrets) and Mokuba's responding with touches of his own because he might be young or innocent or new to this, but he learns with a rapidity that should terrify Seto. And he- Mokuba- discovers early on that he loves the half-stifled sounds that push their way out of his Nii-sama's mouth when he can find just exactly the right spot on his Nii-sama's skin.

And it all feels so good.

Seto comes first- arriving at a stuttering, panting halt and reaching for Mokuba's cock (not out of habit exactly, because he's only done this twice before, but more... unconscious courtesy) in that one instant before brain activity kicks in.

And then, then it hits him and his face goes stricken and Mokuba's straining up into his hand and what has he done?

Mumbled, strangled apology as he retreats, leaving Mokuba alone in the middle of their living room with his legs spread, heavy cock hanging between them, and come dribbling slowly out of his ass, unsure what exactly (if anything, still young enough not to have really started masturbating yet) to do about it all.

And even as Seto's running (and he would run- figuratively of course, body still fully composed and pace slow as he returns to his bedroom to replace his stained and soiled clothing before departing for the office- because the hierarchy in his mind might place Mokuba's well-being above his own, but he's already proven to himself entirely too well for the night that his staying is not the best thing for Mokuba's well-being). Even as he's tearing himself into tiny, tiny pieces. Even as he's vowing that this will remain the first and final time and that nothing of the sort will ever, ever happen again.

As all this is occurring, Mokuba's wrapping a careful hand around his own cock and vowing that they are most definitely going to do this again tomorrow.

drabbles, 100_situations, seto/mokuba

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