Title: Consequences, prequel Author: studyingstones2 Pairing: Seto/Mokuba Rating: R Summary: 271 words, prompt: Before the start of Consequences Disclaimer: Not mine.
♥ x infinity + 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (because you winz all the internets for this sentence: Mokuba's lips are swollen and glistening with spit and his arms and legs are thrown wide (because he hit the ground too hard because Nii-sama wasn't gentle) so Seto can see how his little cock is erect in his little jeans and Seto stares. *nod nod* ^___^
*.* Ooo, I could not have asked for anything better! It's so perfect and smexy!
(See me, love me, want me, need me, Nii-sama.) This *is* Mokuba or at least the canon justification for slutty!Mokuba XD. And the Seto is so guilty, but he *needs* Mokuba just like Mokie needs him.... ;.;
Comments 6
Ooo, I could not have asked for anything better! It's so perfect and smexy!
(See me, love me, want me, need me, Nii-sama.)
This *is* Mokuba or at least the canon justification for slutty!Mokuba XD. And the Seto is so guilty, but he *needs* Mokuba just like Mokie needs him.... ;.;
Thank you so much! *loves it to pieces*
That's all I can say. Ouch.
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