I asked this in
fic_rush and
lolmac helpfully suggested a poll. Which doomed fic idea should I use for NaNoWriMo, which I have stupidly decided to attempt?
1) An occasionally faithful novelization of the ancient and fandomless RPG, Septerra Core. (Which I hear is $10 on Good Old Games, if you're into games which are old and also good.)
-The protagonist has blue hair.
-Easier to get much-needed prose practice in without getting bogged down in planning.
-Set in a really interesting world with decently interesting characters and a mythology that, while important, can be explained in about one paragraph.
-Going to waste time planning the "occasionally faithful" part anyway.
-No audience.
-50k is an order of magnitude larger than the total wordcounts of all extant Septerra Core fics so far.
-Hard to find a beta for.
2) A Doctor Who fic.
-Actual time travel plot.
-Conveniently happens to use the prettiest Doctors.
-People will read it.
-What exactly is Susan's motivation, anyway?
-Huge potential to waste all my enthusiasm on planning and then not write the fic.
-Going to have to ignore lots of continuity, including everything about the Time War from Journey's End and The End of Time, because this concept used the most common/logical fanon from the time when I thought of it. Eight isn't properly EDA or BFA, and Romana probably isn't either.
-Kind of shippy.
I may need someone to bounce ideas off of if I go with this one.
Poll POLL OF NOVEMBRIC AWESOME Unrelatedly, anyone want to help me nail down the details of this River Song horror fic I've been plotting? It may possibly involve reading an overly long outline. It just feels like things are missing and the characters are going to come off flat. It's not quite long enough to be a NaNo, though.