As most of you know, I generally compose songs for your rolling-eyes pleasure on the occasion of a holiday. However, as my finger is sore and I'm more interested in another creative task at this point, I will instead share with you a Ramsey family classic: (
I Stuck My Finger in My Eye and Cried )
Comments 7
Or perhaps the Atlanta Conference Man Grosstini?
I take it the Dan Quayle Glee Club were a capella?
It's always funny hanging out with Kate's family. They talk, and sing, and play cards. Mine just watches TV.
Does this mean that we have to perform this song together? Because I usually use it as a torture device on those I love.
It's not that my family is incredibly dad is just goofy sometimes. At Christmas we also have "Rogue Santa" and "Disenfranchised Elf" (my father is the former, I am the latter). These characters are only allowed to shop for gifts at Big Lots. Past gifts include potted meat product, generic poultry seasoning and a device one attaches to a car to scare away deer.
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