[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
[8] Do you love me?
[9] Have I ever hurt you?
[10] Would you hug me?
[11] Would you kiss me?
[12] Ignore this question.
[13] Are we close?
[14] Emotionally, what stands out?
[15] Do you wish I was cooler?
[16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?
[17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
[18] Am I loveable?
[19] How long have you known me?
[20] Describe me in one word.
[21] What was your first impression?
[22] Do you still think that way about me now?
[23] What do you think my weakness is?
[24] Do you think I'll get married?
[25] What about me makes you happy?
[26] What about me makes you sad?
[27] What reminds you of me?
[28] What's something you would change about me?
[29] How well do you know me?
[30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
[31] Do you think I would kill someone
[31] Am i really a true friend?
[32] If so, define that.
[33] What's one of our inside jokes, if any?
[34] If you could do anything for me, or give me anything,
what would that be, & why?
[35] What's something you want to see me do, or accomplish?
[36] & whats the stupidest thing ive done around you?
Answer those above! pleaseee. I just think its interesting to read. Also, keep reading to learn more about MUAH !
Last Cigarette: ew. never.
Last Alcoholic Drink: uhmm...like months ago.
Last Good Cry: uhmm..not sure..its been a while
Last Library Book: Fixer Chao..it sucks.
Last book bought: uhhhh....
Last Movie Seen in Theatres: Batman Begins
Last Cuss Word Uttererd: probably shit.
Last Beverage Drank: milk
Last Food Consumed: a bowl of Cap'n Crunch
Last Phone Call (outgoing/incoming): incoming- kristin leigh! =)
Last Time Showered: last night
Last Shoes Worn: filp flops
Last CD Played: Alyssa's weezer cd.
Last Annoyance: summer assignments.
Last Thing Written: ^^^
Last Words Spoken:'>
Last Chair Sat in: a kitchen chair..in a bedroom..lol.
Last Web page Visited: i think...myspace.com
First screen name: bl0nderoots..haha. my mom made it up.
First credit card: havent had one yet.
First enemy: this girl in kindergarten that liked the same kid i did..and purposely liked him to get on my nerves..haha. kindergarten drama.
like to cook: like?..i love it.
have a secret you haven't shared with anyone: more than likely..but maybe not.
want to get married: yesss..i cant wait.
current hair color: light-ish brown..kinda dark..cause i had a color in it and its faded.
number: 3
colors: purple
song(s): Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson & Dont Phunk with my heart..lol..(its an inside thing)
cuddle or make out: cuddle.
cried: no.
said 'i love you'?: yepp..=D
talked to an ex?: dont have any.
hugged someone?: yesss.
kiss someone?: no..ive had strep.haha.
your name: Jessie
your gender: Female.
age: 15
height: 5'5"
eye color: brown
your location: chapel hill
fears: really really really deep water..with HUGE waves..and some things that arent to be said.
cheated on someone?: uhm no.
fallen for a relative?: ok..gross.
had your heart broken?: dont think so.
had a dream come true?: not that i remember.
done something you regret?: yeaaa
cheated on a test?: haha..yes.
broken a body part?: no.
wearing: pj;s and a spaghetti strap shirt.
chewing: nothing
feeling: kinda sleepy..and anxious.
reading: this.
watching: a screen..haha..nothing.
should REALLY be: doing summer assignments.
[ DO YOU... ]
brush your teeth?: uhmm.duh.
have any piercing?: my ears
drive while impaired?: lol.no.
ever get off the computer?: well yeah..
[ Friends ]
do you consider yourself popular?: ehh..not really.
do you trust your friends?: yea..but only like 3 know every dern thing about me.
are you a good friend?: i think i am...and i try to be.
IMed?: Kristin
yelled at: probably my sister or brother or cousin..they're all here.
fell in love with?: Brandon
What was the worst day of your life?:..............yea. =/ its a close call between two..and if you know the,.fine..if you dont well then you might shouldnt know.
What has been the best day of your life?: haha..when my best friends and bf threw me a surprise bday party. =D
What comes first in your life?: God. period. @ least i try to keep it that way.
What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: uhmm..i pray..then what i need to do when i get up..and brandon.
[ FAVORITE . . .]
Store: AE or..lightyears
Relative: my great grandma..she is the BEST EVER. hehe.
Sport: tennis.
Vacation Spot: uhmm..the beach. but hawaii would be nice..although ive never been.
Fruit: pineapple...and all other fruits..i love em.
Holiday: Christmas..whos isnt?
Name for a Girl: Hannah?
Name for a Boy: Aaron Taylor
[ DO YOU . . .]
Like to give hugs: yep
Like to walk in the rain?: yea..
Have a job?: nope
Sleep on your side, tummy or back?: side and tummy
Think you're attractive?: sure?..thats a really conceited sounding question..lol.
Have stuffed animals?: lotss..<3
Abortion: only if you're raped...but i hate it.
Bill Clinton: ergh..
Eating Disorders: if you purposely starve yourself..ick..but some eating disorders are a problem thing..idk..i feel sorry for them
Tattoos: i dont like them..but im not against them.id just get tired of having it there.
Piercing: ears..is about it.
Drinking: ::sigh::
Guys: i love mine..others are usually dweebs.
Girls: one word...drama.
Pierced nose or tongue?: if i had to choose...nose..altough it looks bad.
Be serious or funny?: funny
Single or taken?: taken
Simple or Complicated?: simple
Sugar or salt?: salty
Nose or Belly Button: if i had to choose, belly button
Chocolate or flowers?: flowers
Angels or miracles?: miracles
Color or Black-and-white photos?: black and white..they always make people look even prettier
Rap or Rock?: rock..most def.
Stay up late or sleep in?: both.
TV or radio?: radio..music is my life
Members of the opposite sex taller or shorter?: i dotn care..seeing how right now its gonna be shorter..aha. =p
Sun or moon?: moon
Diamond or Ruby?: Diamond
Left or Right?: Right
Kids or no kids?: kids..ive always wondered what mine will look like
Half-empty or Half-full?: half full
Mustard or ketchup?: Mustard..ketchup is ick..unless its on something ike a hamburger.
Newspaper or Magazine?: Mags
Give or recieve?:-- give
Rain or snow?: Snow = snow angels =)
Mexican or Italian food?: mexican..haha kristin.
Lights on or off?: well...logic is..if its daytime..usually off...nighttime..on.
A house in the woods or the city?: woods..city wuld get on my nerves...too many neighbors