I got called a "Niggah" today, like a dozen times, at one point it was being yelled accross the street... then he said if I don't go see the new movie tonight he's gonna "bust my ass". I was in too much shock to tell him I work till midnight, I think it's cause i'm so black
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And so I was wrong, and impatient and happy too early, nothing's yet changed, and because I have to be in love with somene who can't say goodbye, it will never be ok, and it sucks cause I'm just as bad at it
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In the Past day I freaked out, dunno why, I think maybe it's cause I'm so used to things go bad about this time, but it turns out I was beign a little bit silly... and possibly crazy. But no worries now talking away and chatting helped me see the stuff I just sorta assumed. Thanks to erin who helped me see I was being silly without calling me any
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So the past few days have been Fantastical. I've been seeing Erin more than I have for months and everything feels like it's going my way :). The other guy is no longer there to worry about, and every hour I seem to spend with Erin the better things get. We spent 30 hours together the past 3 days, which is downright Awesome. And word on the
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