Thursday | Feb. 28th | Evening

Feb 28, 2008 16:53

Hey, guys! Everyone has been seeming so down lately! Ahh, what with what happened with that girl is understandable...

Let's lighten the mood a bit!

image Click to view

So, someone leaked this games opening recently! Looks pretty cool, right? Apparently they based the main character off that one band guy.. I dunno what his name is! I'm not into Boy Bands! But, hey, this might interest you guys who are fans of them.


I'm not sure.

Oh, it's set for release next week by the way!

((Say hello to a Keita dating sim game, guys! Though, the game doesn't use the same name as Keita, they just use his appearance for the hero of the game. So, yes 8D also Delaine (Keita-mun) approved this! :|b))


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