Title: Hot 'n' Cold (2/2)
cranperryjuiceRating: NC-17
Pairing: Tatsurou x Miya
Summary: Tatsurou was never interested in Miya in that way, but after growing a pair of tits, he's, well, he's kinda hot.
Previous part:
1Notes: Second and last part! Thanks to everyone who gave this story a try despite the sheer weirdness of it. ♥ I hope you'll enjoy
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Comments 47
So, Miya got to experience the wonders of menstruation, and Tatsurou got to experience the humiliations of being a boyfriend (without the full benefits, at first). I, on the other hand, got to experience fits of laughter. Thank you. x)
What I love most about this fic is how Tatsurou is not really consciously trying anything at any point, but things just seem to fall on their places without bothering to ask for his opinion. It makes him feel both real and very lovable - if he was really trying to woo Miya and succeeded, it would not be half as much fun as this is.
I honestly didn't expect you to turn Miya back, but it did give a nice feeling of closure. However, just as the het sex had me reading the first chapter with closed eyes at first, this time I got thrown off by the gay sex because I was expecting more het. xD But as long as there's no alien rapist Yuketsuko in cosplay, I guess it's all good...
" ( ... )
Awwwe, that totally made my day. ♥ Sorry for taking a bit long before posting this part.
Haha, I'm sorry about Miya's whimsical gender. The reasoning behind the story (because yes, there's something resembling logic behind it) was that Tatsurou and Miya really are soulmates, and that God, I guess, or The Powers That Be or whatever are getting annoyed with them not realizing... and genderswitch happens. :D; Obviously it would have been really silly to put srsface concepts of destiny in a story like that, but basically, that was my frame and that's why Miya turns back into a guy. Also, I promise I'm going to stay away from alien sex from now on. :'D
"About yesterday?" Tatsurou asked absent-mindedly as he typed a reply - he loved to stir (anonymous) shit on those boards.
So, was he #415, #420 or both of them?
Annnd I died. XD Thank you!
Of course, that also means that if they ever broke up with Tatsurou, The Powers That Be would have no choice but to turn him back into a girl, right? ^_~
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Hahaha, I don't remember that, but I don't doubt it one second. Miya is scary when he wants to be. D: But yeah, they've clashed in the past, and often it's pretty much like watching two Alpha males thrown into a cage together. I'm writing something that's partly about the power struggle between them, and it's... not pretty. XDD
i've been waiting for this chapter for soooooooooooo long omg T_T
i really love how you managed not to make the story/characters annoying in any way. it still felt natural even though the premise is one of the weirdest i've come across. so OTSUKARESAMA~ to you bb! <3333
and yes, i'm putting this in my mems XD
And sorry for taking a bit long to post it! I hope it was worth the wait. And yes, I guess it was weird, so I'm glad you gave it a try and liked both the story and the characters. Thanks again. :33
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