Title: Severance (one-shot)
mtemboRating: PG-13
Summary: Nine-year-old Miya and his mom confront each other about a decision of hers.
Notes: Obviously no romantic pairing here, sorry :P I got the idea from an interview in which Miya talks about his childhood, and also was considerably inspired by the song Danzetsu, after which this
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Comments 15
But that said, thank you for your kind comments! Please don't be sad <3
And somehow i kinda thought, it reminded me of myself here and there.
(The comment has been removed)
Don't worry, my next one is already on the way! Although it will be completely different... *rubs hands evilly*
as expected from you, beautifully written! *claps claps* what i like about this fic is that it's extremely realistic. not overdone, not romanticized, it's just something that could happen and just allows us to remember that after all miya is human. ;)
i just wished it was longer!! i like how it ends, but i'd wish for more! :D
funny fact: right before starting the fic, i went and grabbed some single slices of cheese (as you know i get hungry at night) and as i read the line: he started folding a slice, tearing it into small squares, I DID THE EXACT SAME THING!!
i also put the first piece in my mouth when masaaki did. :O
And ZOMG Miya and you are totally connected through TEH CHEESE. Forget Mr. Lee, Miya is your one true cheesesoulmate.
(Now I'm craving cheese too...)
It was a good story :)
When I read the interview, I was surprised that she got married again two years later... it just seems kind of fast to me (but I wouldn't know either). Then again, culturally speaking it seems to me like the Japanese are more prone to marry for convenience's sake or just the sake of getting married (I apologize for the huge generalization here).
Anyway, thank you very much ^_^
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