pinupgirls, someone posts a link to a video showing how "beauty" has changed through the ages via the use of morphing photos of actresses. Some commenters bring up the fact that only three of the hundreds of faces in the video are of women of color.
As if on cue,
Some white chick pulls out the "OMG I hate when people pull the race card" Card.
Honestly, that should be a Card. The Anti-Race Card: This Card Entitles You Derail and Diffuse Any Mention of Overt or Latent Racism, Any Statement That References White People Having Any Sort of Power or Privilege At All, or Any Statement About POC That Makes You In The Least Way Uncomfortable
No Conditions Apply. Does Not Expire. Use Liberally
Commenters point out that simply mentioning that the video was mostly white women IS NOT "pulling the race card", to which our heroine
cynicalgrey shows her inability to restrain herself from speaking out of her ass. Or spell "prejudiced".
tea_and_vinyl mentions a slew of actresses she/he would have loved to see in the video, and receives a
response from
cynicalgrey that betrays her level of butthurt over the failure of the community to allow her to redeem her Anti-Race Card. Wah.
Unfortunately, it's not just that thread -
cynicalgrey feels the need to comment to
every person who
comments similarly , and posts her own comment to the post
to further register her annoyance at people who JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND.