Thank you to everyone who has asked questions about Stupid Boys Fest! My predicating-questions mojo was faulty so I was having trouble writing a FAQ before everyone started writing it for me! :)
Stupid Boys Fest FAQ
No deadlines? Really?
Yes, really. We want this to be as low stress as possible and merely encourage people to create fanworks about stupid boys.
The official end of Stupid Boys Fest is September 1st, however, you are more than welcome to continue posting fanworks about stupid boys beyond that time.
You said “fanworks,” what does that mean?
It means we’re being all-inclusive instead of being close-minded writers. Fanworks encompass fanfic, fanart, vids, icons, banners, whatever creative thing you happen to make. Heck, if you can make clothing that implies stupid boys, more power to you and we want to see it!
Is there a minimum/maximum word count?
There are no restrictions on word counts. Personally, we hope that you post a complete story, but that can be of any length.
Is the rule about a work containing two stupid boys bendable?
While we’re pushing to have two boys involved (because often one boy doing something stupid is awesome, but another boy walking in is even better), you don’t have to if your fic/art/thing really isn’t conducive to multiple characters. Mostly, this rule is in place to remind everyone that while we love the ladies, this fest is focused on the stupidity of males.
Do I have to sign up?
Nope. See a prompt? Pick it up. If you want to wave at us and tell us which prompt is your favorite or what pairing/fandom you’re going to do, go ahead; we like flailing, but you don’t have to sign up for a prompt, and there are no kinds of punishments for not creating something about stupid boys (except for your own personal shame).
How are stupid boys so awesome?
We have no idea, but suspect it has something to do with being made of snakes, snails, and puppy dog tails, and the occasional Saturday, 70-degree weather, and first kiss.
If we haven't answered your question, please feel free to ask it here.