i'm gonna cry.

Apr 19, 2006 17:25

i can't decide which icon to use b/c i'm split right down the middle. the first half of me is really excited to be back (even though i know this isn't a real post) and i'm like a little kid who's come back from an awesome summer break and can't wait to tell all the kids at home what they did...except i didn't do much awesome things while i was ( Read more... )

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Comments 66

undersea April 19 2006, 21:50:58 UTC
there is no loop, hurley.


stupidsheep777 April 20 2006, 20:33:10 UTC
and i love that reply, BTW


undersea April 20 2006, 20:47:59 UTC
i know you do


phastphalanges April 19 2006, 22:14:01 UTC
DANGIT I really wanted to slap ya before anyone else :)

Then at least I'll be the first to tell you that feeling like "not part of the club" is dumb. k? good.


undersea April 20 2006, 16:06:27 UTC
you knew i'd beat you to it, though


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undersea April 20 2006, 20:51:25 UTC
aw, kenny has no replies to his comment...

here's one for you :)


stupidsheep777 April 20 2006, 21:03:36 UTC
don't be fooled, man. she has no pity for you.

she just wanted to log another comment. well, too bad for you, hilaryperson - i will not do that stupid poll thing.


undersea April 20 2006, 21:05:23 UTC
haha you know i'd win. i posted like 70 comments a while back about mjf.... my score is through the roof already


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undersea April 20 2006, 16:06:47 UTC
kelly would kill you, but hilary would laugh


phastphalanges April 20 2006, 19:15:34 UTC
if kelly killed you, then I'd kill kelly.

then kaulana would probably kill me. then she'd be left alone. by herself and desolate, wondering what went wrong and how it all could have started with a simple livejournal entry.


undersea April 20 2006, 19:52:41 UTC
sounds like a soap opera


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stupidsheep777 April 20 2006, 12:01:08 UTC
holy crud. i forgot i could do those things. i should seek the help topic and find out how they work...


undersea April 20 2006, 16:07:25 UTC
stupidsheep777 April 20 2006, 20:26:10 UTC
i can do that myself, thank you.


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