
Apr 25, 2006 13:16

yesterday was...okay-turning-to-good-ending-in-responsible. i'll post more details on sues on the other journal, but as for everything else...

i was late for sues...i have determined that i will not be late next week.
In Okeechobee By 9:30 AM Or Bust!why is it always "...or bust ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

aerinha__ April 25 2006, 21:03:35 UTC
the stories got worse as you and kelly were leaving. One was so bad they din't want to tell me.

i agree that the certain someone needs a little payback

i carry that smelly stuff for when i smell bad, and i can't change my shirt in the corse of a day....summer is the worst


(The comment has been removed)

stupidsheep777 April 25 2006, 21:37:57 UTC


phastphalanges April 25 2006, 21:42:43 UTC
aw man. I missed it :)


jadasmoochez April 26 2006, 02:08:00 UTC
"i smelled like aerin and kelly at the same time"

best sentence in here, in my humble opinion


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