last night's activities...

May 26, 2006 17:43

worship practice was... okay. i felt bad for angel, but not any worse than i feel for any other poor slob who walks in for the first time. (hahaha - that's going to be me next week) ... he was very humble; this is a good thing. things took a turn for the confusing when we came up to Your Love Is Deep, Pour Out My Heart and Shout To the Lord ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

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undersea May 28 2006, 05:47:53 UTC
watch it....
join uss....


stupidsheep777 May 29 2006, 23:38:47 UTC
si. (sigh) it is mainstream, but being a "lost geek" is not. most people just watch it and that's the end. we're amongst the 25% of extremes who ...well, we're just obsessed. there's theories to ponder, research to do, whole books to read...and, all summer, we've got "the lost experience" to attack. it's gonna rock.

you need to get in it, man. it's stinkin' worsebetter than video games.


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