color survey stolen from bubblebobble

Apr 11, 2006 20:35


Closest red thing to you?
Valentine card given to my husband

Last thing to make you angry?
losing my job

Are you a fan of romance?
definitely, love it


Closest orange thing to you?
Jackie Collins book

Do you like to burn things?
just candles and firewood

Dress up for halloween?
I did this year for a party

Are you usually a warm-hearted person?

Do you have anything against ginger hair?
no, not that I can think of

Are you usually full of energy?
too hyper for my own good


Closest yellow thing to you?
Hallmark bag

Happiest time of your life?
Was the few weeks I was pregnant, hoping to have that again soon

Favorite holiday?
Valentine’s day - no religion associated with it

What makes you smile?
Brandon, our life together, our home and our future plans

Are you a coward?
No, never

Do you burn or tan?
burn and freckle


Closest green thing to you?
M&M doll with heart that says “My Queen”

Do you care about the environment?
I recycle anything I can and yell at Brandon when he tosses some of it in the regular trash, making me pick it out.

Are you jealous of anyone right now?

Are you a lucky person?
at times

Do you always want what you can't have?
no, not always. I don’t want my brother’s million dollar house. Too big, no need and who wants to clean that?!

Do you like being outdoors?
yes, in the spring, summer and fall.


Closest blue thing to you?
Rocky’s old collar, I’ll never get rid of it, its one of the few things I have left of him.

Are you good at calming people down?
depends on the situation, can’t if I’m freaking out too

Do you like the sea?
its okay

Last thing to make you cry?
losing my job

Are you a logical thinker?

Can you sleep easily?
Hell no….I have insomnia


Closest Purple thing to you?
purple slipper socks on my feet

Like being treated to expensive things?
Yes, definitely a nice perk

Do you like mysterious things?
always, love surprises

Favorite type of chocolate?
anything but white (its fake, ya know)

Ever met anyone in royalty?

Are you creative?
Yup, I scrapbook


Closest pink thing to you?
The Conception Chronicles book on my desk

Do you like sweet foods?

Like play-fighting?

Are you sensitive?

Do you like punk music?
no, hard rock, heavy metal, alternative


Closest white thing to you?
Fluffy Puffins

Would you say you're innocent?

Always try to keep the peace?

How do you imagine your wedding, if you want one?
Had one, in Sayen Gardens under a chuppa on a beautiful day.

Do you like to play in the snow?

Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentists?
hate doctors, hope they all rot in hell - been misdiagnosed and nearly killed twice now.


Closest black thing to you?
My shirt

Ever enjoy hurting people?
if they did something to me first, yeah.

Are you sophisticated or silly?

Afraid of death?
who isn’t?

Would you like to go to space?
probably would be pretty cool

Do you have a lot of secrets?

What is your favorite color?
Does the color you wear affect your mood?

What color would you think best symbolizes your personality?
bright colors since I’m usually hyper and upbeat
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