Name on your birth certificate: Alice Jenine Deitz
Date of birth: December 23, 1969
Place of birth: Mercer Medical Center, Trenton, New Jersey
Parents names: Sidney and Paula
Parents ages: almost 74 and 70
Any older siblings?: Yup, three - one brother, two sisters
_15 Years Ago_
How old were you? 21
How old were your siblings? 31, 30, and 27
Which did you get along with best? My sister, Max, of course
Which parent did you prefer? My mom
Did you have any pets? Yes
If so, names and types? Sherlock, my beagle
If you were in school, who was your teacher? Not in school, but partying at Rutgers.
How were your grades? n/a
Who was your best friend? Probably still Erica
Where did you live? My parents’ house
What kind of music were you listening to? Hair metal, heavy metal and pop
Favourite toys? Was out of the toy thing at that age
Favourite movie? Any John Hughes movie
What's your most prevalent good memory? Probably something with Steve since I was dating him at the time.
Bad memory? Kidney stone on my b-day
_10 Years Ago_
How old were you? 26
Which sibling did you get along with best? Max again
Which parent did you prefer? Mom again
Did you have any pets? Yes, still Sherlock, the beagle and also my parakeet, Ziggy
Who was your teacher? I wasn’t in school
How were your grades? n/a
Where did you live? In a one bedroom apartment in Plainsboro, NJ
What kind of music were you listening to? Club music, house music, hard rock, pop and some heavy metal
Favourite toys? Computer games
Favourite movie? Not sure
What's your most prevalent memory? Working out every night of the week.
_5 Years Ago_
How old were you? 31
Which sibling did you get along with best? Max, again, this will NOT change
Which parent did you prefer? Mom, again
Did you have any pets? Ziggy, the parakeet and my own dog, Fluffy Puffins, the pomeranian
Who was your teacher? Again, I have not been in school for years, stop asking!
How were your grades? n/a again
Who was your best friend? Meghan
Where did you live? My penthouse condo in Robbinsville, NJ
What sort of music were you listening to? Hard rock, heavy metal
Were you drinking, doing drugs, smoking? Drinking on weekends socially at clubs and out at dinner
Most prevalent emotion? Despair and happiness all in the same year
What's your most prevalent memory? Meeting Brandon and having such horrible déjà vu in his condo that I nearly passed out and realizing he was The One
Did you have preschool? Yes
One year or two? One year
Did you enjoy it? I think so.
Could you spell your name by then? yes
Could you buckle your cordoroy overalls? I don’t think I wore them.
Did you have show and tell? yup
What did you bring? My stuffed toys, dolls
Did you hate the schoolbus? No, not at all.
Did you ever scream and cry and grab for your mom? Only the day the dog got out.
Did you have a kids tv show themed backpack? Yup, Barbie probably
Were you afraid of the bathroom? No!
Do you remember the field trips? Yup and I loved them!
Do you remember ANYTHING about kindergarten? Yes, my best friend, June was in my class and her dad and my dad worked together. Also, I had Miss Brienza for my teacher
_1st Grade_
Did you memorize all those stupid clapping songs? Don’t remember any of those!
Are you still chummy with your friends from first grade? No none of them.
What kind of people did they turn out to be? I’ve heard June is a nurse like her mom and married. Beth, I know got married and I think became a veterinarian.
What was your playground ritual? Um, go on the seesaw, chase people around, mess with one kid we hated.
Moment of glory? Not a clue in the world
Ever pee yourself? Hell no!
Were you an early bloomer or a late bloomer? I had crushes but kept them to myself since we were supposed to hate boys back then.
_2nd Grade_
Love or loathe story time? Don’t even remember it!
Did you sneak some of your snack out of your desk before snacktime? I don’t remember snack time either!
Who were your best friends? June, Beth and I think Adrian might have been there back then.
Girl/Boy Scouts? My mom made me go to Brownies
_3rd Grade_
Was third grade a short year to you? no...
Did you feel like a big shot finally being in elementary school? I'd been in elementary school since kindergarten....
Ever pick on anybody? Yup, a girl on the bus (I used to put my raisins in her hair) and Norman somebody.
Were you picked on? Always for my lack of height
Were you a bookworm or an anti-reader? A bookworm.
_4th Grade_
What was the worst trouble you got into in 4th grade? None
Best friends..same or different? June and Beth
Were the field trips satisfactory? Yup, I had a really cool teacher.
How was your first encounter with the nurse about puberty? Don’t think I did that.
Did boys still suck? Not so much.
_5th Grade_
Did you pick on the younger kids? Not really
What was your style? Jeans and t-shirts or some nice shirt with a design
What was your favorite color? I think it might have been pink back then
Is your haircolor the same as it was in fifth grade? Hell no!
Who was your favorite musican? Duran Duran
Were you good with book reports? Usually.
What did you do at recess? Hung out with my friends, played hopscotch, sat on the jungle gym and talked
Were you liked/popular? i dunno
Were you a rebel or a conformist? Rebel always
_6th Grade_
Was being at the bottom of the food chain again totally nerve racking? I wasn’t, they did away with middle school and put 6th grade back in elementary
How were those awkward preteen years? Awkward as hell, I wasn’t growing, already had my period and looked awful
Were you ever picked on? Um, again, the lack height, pay attention!
Were you afraid to go to the bathroom? Why, who would be?
What did you care about most? Um, a few were cute.
_7th Grade_
How were your grades in the 7th, better or worse? same? Same
Did anything change for you in 7th? I went to junior high school and made some new friends
Pick up any activities? no
Pick on the 6th graders? We weren’t in the same school, you are NOT paying attention
Befriend the 8th graders? No, but some 9th graders.
_8th Grade_
Top of the food chain once again! How was it? No, it wasn’t, my school was junior high - 7th through 9th grade!
Did you hang out with the older kids? No, other than Erica Novick, who was my friend since we were babies.
How were your grades? Pretty damn good!
Were you a popular kid? Hell no, everyone knew who I was due to the lack of height
Did you enjoy 8th grade? Yeah, it was okay
_9th Grade_
Were you afraid of upperclassmen? Wasn’t in the same school as them.
Were you friends with any older kids? Yes, Erica Novick
Were you stylin? Hell no!
Did you think you knew it all? Of course not!
Did your parents suck? Yeah at that point, pretty much
Do they still? Hell no!
_10th Grade_
How were those finals? Horrible thanks to Geometry and Mr. Ray, I nearly failed!
Did you get your permit? Of course
Did you crash at all? No, not then.
Did you drive kids when you weren't supposed to? No, I wasn’t allowed to use the car at all.
Did you go to the junior prom? Didn’t have one
_11th Grade_
Did you plan on going to college? nope
Love life? Had a crush on a construction worker working on the building next door and he actually liked me back and called me at home.
Have trouble with zits? Only once a month
Get in any fights? No, fortunately
_12th Grade_
Did senior year rock? Definitely, I was only there in the mornings, then off to work
You haven’t reached senior year yet, have you? Yes, in 1987/1988.
What are you doing with your life right now (no matter what grade)? Happily married, second wedding anniversary is 6/27, going through fertility treatments trying to get pregnant, had two miscarriages, working as a legal assistant at a law firm in Cherry Hill and live with my hubby and various pets in a house.
_1 Year Ago_
How old were you? 35
Did you have any pets? Yes, Fluffy Puffins, the Pomeranian, Momi, the cat and too many damn fish to name
Who was your favourite teacher? I didn’t have one at that age you moron!
Who was your best friend? Meghan
Where did you live? In Burlington Township in a single family home with my hubby and small zoo
What kind of music were you listening to? Collective Soul always and hard rock and heavy metal
Favourite movie? Wedding Crashers or 40 Year Old Virgin
Were you drinking, doing drugs, smoking? Only drinking socially, trying to get pregnant
Most prevalent emotion? Frustration over the non-pregnancy thing
Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? I’m married you moron
If so, a bit about them : He’s my husband and I love him dearly with all my heart and soul
What's your most prevalent memory? Excited over meeting Collective Soul in person
How old are you? 36
Do you have any pets? Yes, the same as above
Who is your best friend? Still Meghan
What kind of music do you listen to? See above!
Do you drink? Socially, still trying to get pregnant
Smoke? Hell no, ewww
Do drugs? Never in my life and proud of it
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No, husband
If so, a bit about them : ugh, you asked this already! He’s the one trying to get me pregnant, you dolt!
Your favourite memory from the past year: Collective Soul, meeting them in person and Joel twice. Meeting the Lizardman at the Disturbed Concert.
Any excitng plans for the future? Yes, a baby
What do you think you\'re going to do after this? Get back to wor