I love lazy sundays

Aug 06, 2006 12:20

((One thing I will really miss when school starts is lazy sundays.  I usually use them to do all my studying that I put off Thursdays-Saturdays.))

I have 5 more days of working, and they are going to be kind of crazy because we're opening the cafeteria.  I feel bad leaving them with Jihan.  I don't know how good of a job she'll do.  I do know that ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

liquid_clocks August 7 2006, 00:31:30 UTC
you should really slack off on the drinking this year.


amyingridlois August 7 2006, 01:09:59 UTC
i really hope you get the job.......it would be so much fun to work together again! oh and ps raquel....if you read this comment you better come up for at least half of welcome week :) yay


stupula August 7 2006, 04:03:13 UTC
They called me back so I guess I didn't fail the online thing with a score of a psychokiller. I just have to figure out when me move in and set up an interview. Yay!


rackykakel August 7 2006, 18:35:03 UTC
hey... you... i left you a text message already about this, but i want to go take those pictures at that place you mentioned. i have a good idea of what im going to do for a show in october and i want to take some pictures to see if i can use them for anything.


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