Станислава и Александр

Dec 31, 2020 23:59

Станислава Рейзин и Александр Бернштейн - приятно познакомиться :). В ноябре 2005-го мы поехали в отпуск и забыли вернуться - уж очень интересен оказался мир. Мы объездили почти всю Южную Америку, колесили по Центральной Америке на Гринго - антикварном Фольксвагене, стали дайвмастерами и чинили бомбоубежища в Израиле.

В июле 2008-го мы вместе с vdinetsRead more... )


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Comments 136

vinnipuh April 4 2006, 14:36:45 UTC
Thanks for the update and don't slack off on the details - or at least the photos :)!


angerona April 4 2006, 15:11:46 UTC
In case you don't update before then: Shurik, happy oncoming birthday!

We miss you!

(Stasya, if you are still travelling next year, email me, maybe we can plan something special for the birthday boys :) )


pofig37 April 10 2006, 17:52:44 UTC
Spasibo! (Even though it is still oncoming!). We'll be spending it in the "Cave of Hands" tomorrow, a place with thousand year old colorful handprints and drawings.


angerona April 10 2006, 18:00:57 UTC
Well, what can I say. I'm not even jealous -- it's rather like being jealous of the sun shining. But it sounds wonderful.

And we do miss you a lot. Really a lot. Will you be back in the States any time in the next year?

Will we, the old friends, be too boring for you now? Nothing much has changed in our lives (kids grow though! That they do).


pofig37 April 13 2006, 19:40:23 UTC
Our plans change as fast as your kids grow, but on our way out of the Americas we just might stop by Boston or NYC (or both) to see you guys and grab some of Stas'ka's paintings.


happy birthday anonymous April 13 2006, 00:04:14 UTC

... )


Re: happy birthday pofig37 April 13 2006, 19:45:13 UTC
Happy upcoming B-day 2 u 2! we´ll say our congratulations now cause we might not be within internet or phone reach at the time.


LOVE, your aunt and uncle!


jackietekin July 17 2008, 08:32:11 UTC
Well I hope everything is going well. . Bye Back to top Georgie Joined: 30 May Posts: 9 Posted: Mon Jun pm      Post subject: I don't think there's a need to book a sportscard online when we can just buy it right there.


Happy birthday Shurik! tsar April 16 2006, 05:09:21 UTC
Shurik querido, [ y por una extensión, un Stasya :)], dejó el Año Nuevo de su vida ser llenado de la grandes diversión y aventura. ¡El en espera verle alguna vez!


Re: Happy birthday Shurik! pofig37 April 16 2006, 15:05:29 UTC
Muchas gracias, amigo!


Стася, пусть в наступивший день рожденья Вас ждут боль tamarnold June 7 2006, 00:55:47 UTC
Очаровательна. Подвижна.
Общительна. И в этом - суть.
Увидев Вас, молчу как рыба -
Не нахожу достойных слов.
Росинки на цветке раскрытом
Напоминают Близнецов.


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