Woohoo, got the DVD today, along with the movie poster, heeeee! Thought I'd give a little review on the DVD. Have already seen the movie and think I put up a little review back when it came out in theaters. But don't remember, lol.
Just to sum up the movie quickly, I liked it. It was cute. I wasn't expecting this brilliant movie or anything, and knew it was purely for fun, so I was able to see it for that. I still think that Vin made a good choice, just cause it takes him away from the action genre. Doesn't really matter how great the movie is, it was apparently a success, and seems good for his career. I love the little girl in the movie, she's adorable. Along with the babies. And adore Carol Kane. Course the duck! LOL!
Onto the DVD features... well... they are okay. There are 5 deleted scenes, don't wanna give em away. But they are pretty short, and I believe 4 outta the 5 feature Vin. Good lord, just watched all the stuff and already forgot, LOL.
Bloopers... love the bloopers. The duck is hilarious! Again, pretty short, but that's usually how bloopers are, only a couple minutes worth.
There are 2 featurettes, one on Brad Garrett, and one on Vin. Also short, but I like them. Brad talks about thinking he could take Vin on, LOL. Cute little moments with Vin and the babies.
Trailers, a few of them on are there. Of Pacifier, and of course, since it's Disney... they always have trailers before the movie starts.
There's a commentary track with the director and writers. It's... so-so. Sometimes good info, lotta the time it's mostly "This was shot at night. This was CGI." That kinda stuff. But they had their moments. Pretty normal commentary for a director. Woulda loved to have Vin on the commentary, but oh well.
Overall, I guess good for anyone who liked the movie. Found it cute. Ya'll like the DVD. But fans of Vin might be a little disappointed with the extras as there's really not that many. I liked them, but wished they'd been longer. And again, Vin on a commentary track. But I'm picky, lol.
Bought the movie, though, LOL!