Sep 11, 2009 05:40
After making the rounds to other Star Trek-related communities to promote this one, I realized that it would be a good idea to add a new rule about the tagging system. Hope this clear (some) things up and get submissions under way sooner. (Yes, that's been making me nervous, but I understand how 'green' this site still is, that I hadn't done much 'advertising' it around until today, and posted this new 'Captain's Log'/additional Guidelines. So...who will be the first 'victim'? LOL :p Doesn't that make you want to post now?; If you have any questions about the tagging system, please leave a comment here.) On another matter, I threw one purtaining to RPF ('Real People Fanfiction') in for good measure. (Don't want the community nor the tags list to get taxed.)
[Rules] Starfleet Regulation (File Attachment: New Policies)
- When you go to post a story, the tags that would absolutely be required to include: Character(s), Setting, Rating, Pairing(s) (if any), and Genre(s). (I'm going to make 'Emphasis' optional for you may use when it's integral to your plot. Same with 'Category'. The latter didn't make the cut due to have such a short list of them. Not enough variety to qualify yet.) For the time being, those are bare minimum. In the future, I may add more and do an additional 'Captain's Log' such as this one.
- I apologize to the writers and readers who are fans of RPF, but I will not be allowing story submissions nor suggestions for tags about them. Honestly and personally, I don't have a problem with them, I just prefer to focus purely on the 'fictional' aspects of the film (as in plot, characters, themes, and so on). LJ only allows me to have so many tags... (If you ignore this rule, I will delete your entry and if you persist, I will ban you.)
mod post,