Title: Think With Your Dipstick
mandyvonblandyRating: PG
Genre/Theme: Stupid humor :P
Completion: One Shot 10-panel comic
Disclaimer: Star Trek does not belong to me, nor does the Scotsman in the original commercial
Hope I did everything right! O__O;; Sadly I'm not much good at straight up writing and I have to use pictures to better express my feelings and emooootions no matter how stupid they are. My first post and lots of love to
phantomtravel3r for inviting me to join the community and encouraging me to do it despite my obvious lack of skill in this area ^__^ But do tell me if I did anything wrong setting this up!
This is also posted in one of my journal entries
Some Art Stuffs Stupid commercial that led to this mess->
Castrol Edge THINK WITH YOUR DIPSTICK JIMMY EDIT_ worked on the tags a little more