Title: Of All the Mistakes In History
Pairing: Jongkey
Genre: angst covered by humor.
Rating: PG-16
Warnings: strong language. more alcohol & sexual references
Summary: Key wakes up from another "mistake" -- the best one night stand -- with his best friend.
Disclaimer: the guys belong to SM.
Length: 1/? (971 words)
Part 2 (
The hangar rattles quietly on the bar and Key spares Jonghyun a glance -- still asleep and that‘s good for right now, he doesn‘t need to be awake. )
Comments 23
LOL It feels so different reading this, because of the revolt Key felt for what happened, I don't think I've ever read something akin. Well I might have, but still this one is very different. Maybe for he's acting... weird, I mean, I can almost see him in my head scowling to himself, venting his revolt on poor furniture, huffing and puffing almost childishly... Idk. Maybe I'm weird myself LOL
Anyways, I was serious about demanding a continuation. u_u
yeah, like, how can one person be such a slut //is shot by key// and not regret a single thing? it's time for a change up! //shot again// sometimes i think he vents on taemin, but for the sake of that poor boy i didn't do that.
<3 ;D
But omg venting on Taemin, that would be so mean D: But why exactly do you think this? And how would he vent on the poor baby boy? xDD
just think about it, Key going through mood swings like a PMSing mom and probably yelling at him just for the hell of it. xD how? housework and more yelling, lolol.
i beg of youuu >.
lmao, i feel evil, but this was thoroughly amusing (key, don't shoot me bb); i love your characterization of key- it was something out of the norm yet more realistic than in many other fics i've read.
i can so imagine him being childish and glaring at inanimate objects like that, even when he's not hungover :P
anyway, please do continue! im enjoying this way too much for it to end here!
LOL, don't feel evil, it's made to be laughed at -- key has many different sides ~ realistic? really? i was hoping he wouldn't be a bit too out of character. ;D
ME TOO, but i think taemin or jonghyun are mostly on the other end of that glaring. xDDDD
i will. <3
I need Jjong to wake up and I need to find out what happens after he wakes up!!!
The way you describe every gives me such a vivid imagery♥
Ugh, I love your angsty Key. I'm pretty sure deep down inside he wants more~
Now, give me the next part♥
ohhhhh, you'll find out sooner or later
i guess that means it passes satisfactory?! //is happy//
angsty/slutty Key ftw, and if he wants more? we'll see.~
lol, sure thing.
key's pov is not enough to satisfy my junky curious brain, i need jong's!!
perhaps he'll tell us more*evil laughs*
i don't know why i evil laughed but oh well...
continue it my dear~<3
oh, hehe, you'll get jonghyun's point of view, trust me. >:D
yessssss ~ <333
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