Asshole cats
November 15 2008, 17:17:04 UTC
I know all about wanting to kick various felines; we have three in our house and the youngest is also the douche-eyist. His name is Dakota and he's so cute you'll melt and then he'll do something (like eat the other cat's puke, knock over a flowerpot, scratch open a box of cereal) and you're like "DEVIL CAT!!!" your hotmail addy still any good? And write more of these short stories when you have time; they've got me wanting more :-D
Re: Asshole catsstylized_wingsNovember 17 2008, 05:11:30 UTC
Hi! Who is this? You weren't signed in and I'm sleep deprived so can't figure it out.
Haha, yup, cats are both wonderful and the bane of existence. My other one Ash is sitting on my lap at the moment, cute as could be except that she's drooling. A lot. Ew.
Yup, my email addy is still the same...the marble_kittyn.
First part of the second story will be up shortly!
Yes. Yes we should. Dinner is fun. I get off work most days at six, so I don't know when would be good for you the way, Congrats on the wedding!
Comments 6
Haha, yup, cats are both wonderful and the bane of existence. My other one Ash is sitting on my lap at the moment, cute as could be except that she's drooling. A lot. Ew.
Yup, my email addy is still the same...the marble_kittyn.
First part of the second story will be up shortly!
PS: We should go grab some dinner sometime (the three/four of us)
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