My Crown post

May 11, 2010 09:34

Others have done it, now I'm doing it too. (LEMMING ALERT!)

I enjoyed Crown. It was a pleasure to act as Marshal in Charge for Their Majesties tournament. I almost didn't make it, though, as I was recovering from a cold that I had succumbed to only 24 hours after I took on the job from Master Padraig, our Kingdom Earl Marshal who suddenly was not available due to work scheduling issues. I played it smart and made sure I rested well before the event, and brough as much dry head gear to keep me from making my cold worse the day of. Yes, it rained a lot, but we managed to make it through, and I kept my head dry.

This was one of the cleanest fights I have ever witnessed. Made the marshals' job easy by not having to step in for any reason whatsoever.

Now, some who were at the event may not know this, but I was supposed to spend the entire day ion the kitchen, making my part of the feast (Vegetable Stew). Duty called me away to run the tournament instead, but I left it in capable hands of Baroness Alessandra. The Amaretti cookies for desert, however, were made in advance the weekend before (kept frozen until Friday). I only got the comment from His Excellency Pellandres that they were "dangerous" and may be used in the future as baronial currency. They may as well be, as each cookie costs almost 50¢ each to produce! Feedback is always welcome.

Sure wish I could have said more for Freya during court, but with my cold I was not in the right head-space to say a lot.

For those asking, Tam is still recovering from our collective cold, and Rosa has thankfully already come out of it.

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