Fantastic, I'm getting SO wank-famous that I'm being copied... I don't know if being amused or annoyed. Even if it is gonna be useless, as usual, it was NO ME who left those stupid anon comments in the LJ of a person I don't know at all!!!! Think about it, what is the sense of making an _anon_ comment and copying it, making it sound as it is me?
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Comments 59
Ariadnechan les respondio y no fueron de hacer una respuesta coherente a ese post...
Ademas nosotros sabiamos que ese post anonimo no era tuyo, por 2 razones:
1.- que sentido tenia atacar a Sakura por unos icono gratuitamente, y
2.- tu nunca harias un post anonimo...
Y si, no tiene ningun sentido, ni para ami ni para nadie, no se quien fue pero se ha cubierto de gloria... aunque que acabara insultando de esa forma a la dueña del LJ me hace pensar que queria pelearse con ella copiandome a mi. No se, pasar de insultar a Sakura a insultar a una persona que no conozco, pues NO, vamos ni borracha.
January 1st, I was looking forward to replying and commenting a bit, and one of the first things I see is anon wanking in one of my favorite icon-journals, and the second one is seeing you being wrongly accused to have caused it. I really needed to go offline for one or two hours, because it is so annoying, and strange. I really feel sorry for both of you, she didn't deserve the wank, you didn't deserve the accusation. I just cannot understand this whole provoking and this aggressiveness everywhere, it makes me sad. Maybe I'm naive, or too sensible. *joins in sighing and hugs*
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