1. Leave a comment saying you want to be interviewed.
2. I'll reply and give you five questions to answer.
3. You'll update your LJ with the five questions answered.
4. You'll include this explanation.
5. You ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.
1. i still don't know who/what is in your icon. it just makes no sense to me. enlighten!
Brad Pitt! It's from some photo shoot he did for a Japanese magazine in which they had him dress like Tyler Durden. I'm quite fond of it, and I just spent a good amount of time looking for the pictures again, as they were conveniently erased from my hard drive when everything else was. Anyway,
this is the picture. I don't know, he just looks very suave with that cigarette and his hand in his pants.
2. are you a rule nazi in every game, or is it just the game of life? and could that quite possibly be a metaphor for something, hmm?
I am a rule nazi in every every every game. Seriously. I was never creative enough to make up ways of cheating that would let me win, so I insisted everyone else stick to the rules. And it is definitely a metaphor for my unwillingness to flout society's arbitrary rules. Rules make me feel safe, is what it comes down to. HAhahahah all rule nazis are just scared deep down.
3. enough of my terribly witty banter. what is your philosophy on life, and do you feel you live up to it? better yet, do you feel you live up to your own expectations? (this isn't supposed to be a put down i am just curious what your goal in life is).
I only have one expectation of myself. I want to be the sort of person who can let that which does not matter truly slide. So I stole that from Fight Club, but it's the only way I can express what I want to say. As for living up to it, I think I may take it to an extreme. Also, I possibly reverse it. Usually I let everything slide, to the point that people get very angry at me because I won't a) stick up for myself or b) pursue the things I want or, worst of all, c) try to fix relationships once they've started to unravel. Occasionally, I get really anal retentive about the things that don't matter, like the rules of Life. See, my expectation of myself sort of hybridizes with my existentialism, and everything falls into the category of "that which does not matter." It's not so much that I'm apathetic, because I do care, but I tend to just write things off as "everything happens for a reason." Life is random and absurd, and I don't really believe that I have any control over what happens. All I can do is be happy with myself and happy with my life. There are things I want to do, and things I would like to accomplish, but everything will happen in its own time, and I'm not the sort of person to force things along. It would just drive me crazy if I tried. So I have no goals, just desires. In a way, I will always be able to live up to my own expectations, because I have no problem just letting life lead me where it will. I don't like complications or drama, so I don't cause any. And if there is drama, I don't acknowledge it. I infuriate some people, but I keep my sanity. It's a compromise I'm willing to live with. I'm directionless but happy, which is all I can ask. This is long and probably doesn't answer your question in the way you were expecting, but it's something I sort of enjoy talking about. It appeals to my inner pretentiousness.
4. do you like potpourri?
It depends what kind. If it smells like old people or just sits in a table on a bowl gathering dust until I inevitably knock it over and then have to clean up the mess of colored woodshavings and things that look like the exoskeletons of large insects, than no. If I can't see it, and it doesn't force me to gag, than I can pretend it's not there and I don't mind it. So I guess that means no, I don't.
5. have you played super mario 64? have you ever gotten past the room with the giant clock in it with the levels that you're on the clouds/in the rainbows for? that room gets me everytime.
No. The only games I've ever played on Nintendo 64 are a Mario racing game and some Pokemon game where you have to take pictures of the maddeningly elusive Pokemon.
Now that that is all sorted out, I can go to bed. So I can wake up and pack. I hate packing, because it requires a peak of organization that I can never quite reach. Imagine that.