001) Name: Doc
002) Age: 18
003) Spoiler-free votes? I finished the game, but I haven't gotten all the secret reports or seen the secret ending as of yet, so it'd be nice if those bits could be exempt from votes? OTHERWISE GO FOR IT ♥;
004)Do you want to be voted as a boy, girl, does it not matter? It doesn't matter at all
You must provide three links to other applications you have already voted for.
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005) Strengths- People generally tell me that I'm a nice and friendly person, so I suppose I'm nice. And friendly XDb. I think my sense of humor is a good thing too. I'm usually pretty good at being perceptive of others. I don't mind being a shoulder to cry on (but if it's just sobbing every day I'm gonna have to pull back XD;). I value my family and my friends and I feel very loyal to them. I'm passionate about what I love, such as art. I can't imagine my life without it. I can be goal-oriented and a hard worker, though it usually depends on what that goal is. I'm also a bit of a dreamer, though I'm pretty down-to-earth as well.
006) Weakness- Procrastination XD;. I'm so bad at procrastinating. Sometimes I can barely accomplish tasks because I'm not interested in them, but I have to anyway because it's likely school work and I need that awesome grade. Ugh. Sometimes my laziness really consumes me. I can be a little judgmental, though I try my best to give people second chances too. I can get awfully bitter if I feel I've been wronged, and can have a bit of a lingering grudge. I'm also a little sensitive about what people say, whether about me or about people I like. I'm also really picky about what I like, such as with food. And I can't take compliments apparently (according to my mom). I get too embarrassed XD;.
007) Likes- Art, writing, music (even though I suck at knowing most music), video games, the internet, rping online. Talking to my friends and geeking out with them. I love English as a subject and I love learning about other languages (even though the only ones I know is Japanese and some Latin). If I had the time, I'd probably try to learn a European language or Chinese. I also love a good mystery and a good story. Sometimes I read manga and watch TV, though a lot less lately. I also like sleeping in late and eating food, but who doesn't?
008) Dislikes- Mean-spirited people, math, ignorance, homework. I also don't like adults who put me down for my age or gender, when they're the ones acting like babies. And I don't like people who just don't listen to common sense or think sensibly.
009) Hobbies- Drawing. Sometimes writing. Sometimes I make icons too. And I also like to play video games from time to time.
010) Annoyance- I can't stand people who dye their hair a bizarre color or pierce anything but the ears. I don't know why. I just freak out. Also people who dress like they came out of a fashion train wreck or don't take care of their hair really bother me. I'm not an expert on fashion or a stylist, but it really bothers me, even though I'm not exactly the Best Dressed Anything myself. Oh man, and I really, really get annoyed when books or video games or whatnot are not shelfed in alphabetical order or in some semblance of alphabetical order (since obviously customers will move things around while browsing). I have no idea why.
011) Favorite School Subject(s)- Art. And then English, even though I hate essays. I'm also sort of into things like biology and astronomy.
012) Dream and goal- It's probably a stretch, but I'd absolutely love to take part in creating my own video game one day. I'd wanna write the story and help with the design. It would be awesome. Either that, or I'd looove to work with Pixar or Disney.
013) What's your favorite brand (game or real life)? I don't pay attention to brands in real life (though I notice I usually gravitate towards certain ones?). My favorite brands in the game though would have to be (in no particular order): Natural Puppy, Jupiter of the Monkey, and Sheep Heavenly. Their stuff is so cute and clean.
014) What is your typical style? A shirt with some kind of design, and dark blue jeans with sandals. And a jacket, usually.
015) What outfit are you not brave enough to wear? Anything short or skimpy. Anything that exposes too much and makes me feel naked and cold XD;.
016) Is there a certain piece of accessory that you constantly wear or carry? My iPod shuffle + headphones. I usually forget to wear my jewelry.
017) Let's dress Neku up in a--! Pinstripe suit. Aw yeah.
018) How do you listen to your music? Via iTunes on my computer. Or my iPod shuffle.
019) What are you listening to at this moment? "Angels" covered by David Archuleta ♥
020) If you had a background theme, what would it be? I have no idea. But eventually I'm sure it'd drive me insane.
021) What kind of food would you constantly munch on? Chicken. Ramen (especially after playing this game ♥;). But mostly chicken.
022) What is your favorite restaurant to eat at? I don't know. Mimi's Cafe, I guess? They have good burgers *_*. Sometimes I fancy this Japanese resturant nearby too.
023) Any drink you prefer to go down with your meal? Hot tea. Or water.
024) What does friendship mean to you? It means being able to trust and rely on another person, and know that the person is willing to stick with you and listen to you when times are tough. It means having another person to have fun with and brighten up the days, and that we can get along as well.
025) In exchange for a chance at life, what would be your fee or most precious thing to give up? Probably my dreams and passions.
026) If faced with the decision between harming your friends or letting harm come to yourself, what would you do? Depends on the friend, really. I'd probably let myself get harmed though, even though I'd be scared as hell, but I can't stand to see people I care for suffering.
027) Someone has just forced a pact with you and they're your complete opposite! safnlksafnsalfn daaaaaaang. That. Sucks =|. Oh well. I'd try to put up with it (reluctantly), and cooperate, if only so I can win.
028) Get Ready! Time to fight! What's your style (full force, weapon, tactical...)? WHAT DOES "DODGING" MEAN? In the game, I go full-force, in button-mashing (stylus mashing/stabbing?) manner. In real life though, I'm more of a defensive fighter and then I'd prefer long-range things.
029) If there was a place you'd meet your friends, family, or associates where would you pick? Probably a restaurant or store. Or a... tree/monument.
030) Betrayal or Sacrifice? Sacrifice.
031) Teach or Learn? Learn.
032) Easy to Trust or Suspect? I tend to suspect others first.
033) The world is polluted or worth living in? It's polluted all right, but it's still worth living in.
034) Is graffiti art? It can be. Simply tagging isn't art to me though. It's vandalism.
035) What design is on your favorite Badge/Pin? Probably the Player pin. I also really like the design of Lolita Bat and Lolita Skull for some reason. And the Rhyme pin.
036) Would you play in a Tin Pin Slammer competition? Probably not, though it is kinda fun. Depends on the prize? Hehe
037) Which character would you love to hang out with? A lot of people XD;. Neku, Shiki, Rhyme, Beat (though his speech would grate my nerves after a while). And Mr. H~ *o*
038) Which character would you hate to be in a pact with? Probablyyy Joshua, even though he's actually one of my favorite characters ♥;. But, I'd probably get annoyed with his bratty, know-it-all attitude if I had to play the game with him as my partner.
039) Is it really a Wonderful World or does it End With You? It's really a wonderful world.