001) Name: Danica or Dani
002) Age: 16
003) Spoiler-free votes? Psh, played it all. It doesn’t matter to me~
004)Do you want to be voted as a boy, girl, does it not matter? Again, I don’t really care~
You must provide three links to other applications you have already voted for.
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005) Strengths- I’m “good” at writing, drawing, playing music (flute), reading quickly, thinking logically, being reasonable/practical, and not butting my head into other peoples’ beeswax.
006) Weakness- I tend to be very sleepy, and I do not do well with work that I am not motivated to do (but on the flipside, I do pretty well at things I enjoy). I sometimes stop paying attention if the topic does not interest me, and I can be very selfish. I also have issues with indecisiveness and insecurity, and I usually look to others for examples first so that I know I’m doing it right.
007) Likes- Reading, writing, drawing, playing video games, swimming, singing... Generally, if I do well at it, I enjoy it. I also enjoy watching anime, usually subbed. Oh, and I also like sweets. A lot. For they are yummy and delicious~ Uhh, I also like plushies, and random anime/video game junk. Oh, and role playing. I love role playing. That, and hanging out online in general. And, of course, hanging out with my friends in real life.
008) Dislikes- Studying, especially math. Stories with bunches of clichés annoy me, as well as chatspeak adn peeplz woh tpye liek dis!!1!OVER9000! As far as grammar goes, I usually pick up on small mistakes that others make and then become irate... I also hate people who talk like the stereotypical blonde, regardless of whether or not they are blond, or what their ethnicity is. Seriously, shallow people like that annoy the hell outta me.
009) Hobbies- > Reading, writing, drawing, playing video games, singing, watching anime... this is sounding pretty familiar now, yeah?
010) Annoyance- See: Dislikes
011) Favorite School Subject(s)- English and Symphonic Band
012) Dream and goal- Tell stories in some form of media, be it writing or comic or whatever else.
013) What's your favorite brand (game or real life)? Hahaha, I don’t pay attention to brands at all in real life, but for the most part I simply throw things on with only a minimal effort to make sure they match somewhat. In game, I like stuff by Jupiter of the Monkey and Gatito/Gaito/Whatever the heck it’s supposed to be. Some of Tigre Punks is cool, too.
014) What is your typical style? T-shirt and pants. T-shirt might become a tank top or long sleeve depending on weather, just like the pants might become shorts or capris.
015) What outfit are you not brave enough to wear? Anything too revealing.
016) Is there a certain piece of accessory that you constantly wear or carry? The only thing I can think of would be my necklace, which has a pendant shaped like a key. It was given to me by my boyfriend, soooo...
017) Let's dress Neku up in a--! PIKACHU COSTUME. 8DDD
018) How do you listen to your music? On iTunes or on my iPod.
019) What are you listening to at this moment? Minna no Peace by Afromania
020) If you had a background theme, what would it be? Good question. “Fiction” by Yuki Kajiura is what comes to mind at the moment, but I can’t really think of any songs that really fit me. By sound alone, “Seishun no Tobira” by Ikimono Gakari is pretty cool.
021) What kind of food would you constantly munch on? Sweets. Usually chocolate of some sort.
022) What is your favorite restaurant to eat at? I don’t really have any favorites, but I like certain pho places.
023) Any drink you prefer to go down with your meal? Depends on what I’m eating. Dr. Pepper is good, but I usually have milk with my meals.
024) What does friendship mean to you? A friend is someone that you simultaneously rely on and are relied on by. It is a two way road, where connection and communication are important for its continued survival. Though it takes effort to maintain, in the end, it’s totally worth it for all of the fun times spent together.
025) In exchange for a chance at life, what would be your fee or most precious thing to give up? Probably my friends/family, or my memories of my friends/family. Or maybe even one of my senses... I rely heavily on sight, as well as on my voice.
026) If faced with the decision between harming your friends or letting harm come to yourself, what would you do? Harming my friends. I’m a weak person, so I’d probably cave. Though, thinking about it, I would probably go through pain of guilt about equal to, if not worse than the physical harm done to my friends.
027) Someone has just forced a pact with you and they're your complete opposite! *Grumble grumble I hate you grumble mutter mutter* I’d make it known. Loudly. And annoyingly. And I’d also likely get the pair of us erased because I’m so busy hating my partner.
028) Get Ready! Time to fight! What's your style (full force, weapon, tactical...)? Get away from the Noise and fight from afar. Sure, I’d whip out ol’ Mr. Slashy pin whenever they got too close for comfort, but for the most part I’m not one for close combat.
029) If there was a place you'd meet your friends, family, or associates where would you pick? Someplace familiar and fun, like a movie theatre or a restaurant.
030) Betrayal or Sacrifice? Betrayal, though as mentioned before, I’d probably go through a heckuvaton of guilt over it.
031) Teach or Learn? Learn. I like to know interesting information.
032) Easy to Trust or Suspect? Easy to trust, I’d think. I’m not the most suspicious person on earth, and I’m (mostly) honest.
033) The world is polluted or worth living in? Both. While it’s polluted, it also allows us to have fun times with those who are close to us.
034) Is graffiti art? Depends. Random tagging isn’t, but if it’s an actual attempt at art, it can be... interesting. Though, it can also be annoying if it’s your property being graffiti’d, art or no.
035) What design is on your favorite Badge/Pin? Hard to say... Probably Lightning Rook by Pegaso. It’s shiny!
036) Would you play in a Tin Pin Slammer competition? Maybe if my friends were in it, too. Normally, I wouldn’t go to a competition aimed at 5th graders.
037) Which character would you love to hang out with? Rhyme, or post-game Neku and Shiki at the same time. Kariya seems pretty fun to be around, too.
038) Which character would you hate to be in a pact with? Joshua, hands down. Snarky bastard.
039) Is it really a Wonderful World or does it End With You? The world is what you make of it. If you believe it to be a wonderful world, than to you, it is, and that’s all that really matters. If you believe it ends with you, then you are self-centered and morbid that’s what you believe. I personally believe it to be quite wonderful myself.