Erase those noise!

Jun 14, 2008 14:44


001) Name: Reimeiken
002) Age: 14
003) Spoiler-free votes? Doesn't matter~
004)Do you want to be voted as a boy, girl, does it not matter? Doesn't matter to me!

You must provide three links to other applications you have already voted for.

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005) Strengths- I try to stay as optimistic as I can! I'm relatively polite, I'm good at entertaining people, I have great intuition, I have a weird kind of logic that makes sense when you think about it? xD

006) Weakness- I'm kinda violent, I'm perverted (mm yaoi *shot*), I'm not very strong (physically), I suck at maths and sport, I PROCRASTINATE! I often talk too much, and I can't help but hug people all the time! >w< I'm also terrified of spiders, drowning (absolutely will not go underwater), and answering the phone.

007) Likes- Manga, anime, almost everything related to Japan and Asia, drawing, acting, drama, BL, psychological thrillers, Spring (the season), rainbow colours, hippie stuff, gothic lolita, decora, cosplay, karaoke, online games, stars and hearts!

008) Dislikes- Bananas, maths, pineapples, cheese, sport, science, spiders, honey, insects, smoking, being alone, fish and stupid people. Like Beat.

009) Hobbies- Drawing, singing, making characters and plots for manga that I'll most likely never finish, talking to people online and offline, dancing crazily when no one's looking and playing games~ I also like learning new languages and using flash language.

010) Annoyance- Being told to do things, being yelled at, spiders invading my house, making a mistake or doing something wrong.

011) Favorite School Subject(s)- Indonesian, Cooking, Art, Computer Studies.

012) Dream and goal- To be a manga artist! Or character designer! Or animator. Being an actor or doing psychology would be fun, too. But becoming a manga artist is my main one.


013) What's your favorite brand (game or real life)? I don't have a favourite brand. I like Sheep Heavenly in the game, though.

014) What is your typical style? Hoodie, jeans, t-shirt. Mostly black or gray, or the occasional light colour. xD

015) What outfit are you not brave enough to wear? A tutu. LOL.

016) Is there a certain piece of accessory that you constantly wear or carry? I always wear my pentagram necklace.

017) Let's dress Neku up in a--! GOTHLOLI DRESS.


018) How do you listen to your music? Thru mp3 player or computer?

019) What are you listening to at this moment? Usatei - IOSYS. SE NO TEWI TEWI TEWI TEWI TEWI. USA USA USA USA USA USA USA...(repeat over 9000x)

020) If you had a background theme, what would it be? Probably something bubbly and high pitched~ Or preferably trance. I like the "Underground" song in Subaseka, though.


021) What kind of food would you constantly munch on? French fries or Pocky.

022) What is your favorite restaurant to eat at? McDonald's I like Jewell's Tavern.

023) Any drink you prefer to go down with your meal? Flavoured milk! I like creaming soda too~


024) What does friendship mean to you? Everything. I value my friends over anything.

025) In exchange for a chance at life, what would be your fee or most precious thing to give up? Probably friendship.

026) If faced with the decision between harming your friends or letting harm come to yourself, what would you do? Letting harm come to myself, of course.

027) Someone has just forced a pact with you and they're your complete opposite! GTFO. *shot* I would try to get to know them and put up with them? xD Who knows, I might end up liking them!

028) Get Ready! Time to fight! What's your style (full force, weapon, tactical...)? In games I like using weapons, but IRL I'm more of a tactical magic person. In Subaseka I have a "Reimeiken Killer Combo" xD

029) If there was a place you'd meet your friends, family, or associates where would you pick? LOL MCDONALD'S. Or some nice little cafe.


030) Betrayal or Sacrifice? Depends. I like to think sacrifice but I'll probably betray myself.

031) Teach or Learn? Learn to Teach!

032) Easy to Trust or Suspect? Easy to Trust unless I'm getting real bad vibes.

033) The world is polluted or worth living in? Worth living in. It's polluted with a lot of crap, but where else can you go?


034) Is graffiti art? Of course!

035) What design is on your favorite Badge/Pin? I don't have a favourite.

036) Would you play in a Tin Pin Slammer competition? Urghh I detest Tin Pin Slammer.

037) Which character would you love to hang out with? ALL OF THEM except for Beat and Pinky (LOL THAT REAPER. What was her name again?). I'd get Minamimoto (SO ZETTA ANNOYING BUT SO ZETTA COOL AT THE SAME TIME OTL) to teach me Maths. xDD

038) Which character would you hate to be in a pact with? Beat. BWAHHHHH.

039) Is it really a Wonderful World or does it End With You? It's so wonderful. ♥

☠stamped shiki

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