001) Name: Alia.
002) Age: I'll be turning 18 in a week and a half. hehe.
003) Spoiler-free votes? No spoilers for the reports, thank yoou!
004)Do you want to be voted as a boy, girl, does it not matter? Doesn't matter!
You must provide three links to other applications you have already voted for.
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005) Strengths- My awesome sense of humor! hee hee. I'm also pretty creative and easy-going. Another strenght is my intelligence(*has an IQ of 141* <.<). I'm a good speaker, and I get away with all kinds of things because of that.
I don't get mad easily... at my friends, that is. Everyone else IRL, watch out! XD
006) Weakness- I'm quick to distance myself from people I dislike/don't have anything in common with ^^' My intelligence is also kind of a weakness, I have some pretty eccentric stuff going on in my head, and when I share my thoughts with people I'm not particularly close with, they say I'm weird. <.< oh, us misunderstood geniuses! *cough* Please don't think I'm arrogant. XD I actually suffer from a minor inferiority complex at times. o.O
I act/speak before thinking, and my humor sometimes upsets people. o_O
And I have to admit.. I'm a procrastinator. T_T I hate that about myself XD
007) Likes- fashion, music, anime, manga, video games, cyberpunk & sci-fi, movies, paranormal stuff, demonology, technology, etc.
008) Dislikes- Loneliness(which I suffer from at school), responsibility, money problems, being ordered around..
009) Hobbies- Cosplaying, playing video games, drawing, designing and making clothes.. I think that's all. o_o
010) Annoyance- umm.. Untrustworthy 'friends'.
011) Favorite School Subject(s)- from the more 'regular' subjects.. Math! I'm a total math lover. seriously. *_* Also.. I'm a fashion design/dressmaking student. My favorite subject related to that are fashion design and fashion history. <3 oh, almost forgot pattern-making! Because it's kinda related to math. ahhh.
012) Dream and goal- I really, really wanna be a fashion designer! If that fails, a job somehow related to television shows would be nice. :D
013) What's your favorite brand (game or real life)? My favorite game brands are Sheep Heavenly, D+B and Lapin Angelique.. x3
Real life.. I'm not sure, I like so many of them!
014) What is your typical style? hmm.. Lately I've fallen in love with the Sailor/pirate lolita and preppy fashions.. So they're my newest inspirations.
My more casual style consists of mini skirts and colorful shirts. :D~
015) What outfit are you not brave enough to wear? I.. actually can't think of one. O_O
016) Is there a certain piece of accessory that you constantly wear or carry? My wrist watch and snake ring. And (stylish!)glasses, because I have bad eyesight. Dx Not like super-bad, but I prefer to see everything clearly. :3
017) Let's dress Neku up in a--! Sailor loli outfit?
018) How do you listen to your music? Loud! with my headphones.
019) What are you listening to at this moment? The Pierces - Secret
020) If you had a background theme, what would it be? Back to Mad by Texas Faggott. Psytrance FTW!
021) What kind of food would you constantly munch on? different kinds of fruit. :D
022) What is your favorite restaurant to eat at? uhh.... McDonald's? I don't go to restaurants much. XDD
023) Any drink you prefer to go down with your meal? Pineapple juice.
024) What does friendship mean to you? uh.. A lot. I'd go crazy without my best friends. Others aren't that important, but they're nice to have anyway.
025) In exchange for a chance at life, what would be your fee or most precious thing to give up? My creativity.
026) If faced with the decision between harming your friends or letting harm come to yourself, what would you do? Hmm.. Probably let harm come to myself. It can't be THAT bad.. eheh.
027) Someone has just forced a pact with you and they're your complete opposite! I'd try to get along with them, because I don't like arguing. :D
028) Get Ready! Time to fight! What's your style (full force, weapon, tactical...)? Long-range, tactical stuff. ^^'
029) If there was a place you'd meet your friends, family, or associates where would you pick? A stylish cafe.
030) Betrayal or Sacrifice? depends on the situation, but most likely betrayal.
031) Teach or Learn? Learn. Because I can't teach.. When I try to, no one gets it. D:
032) Easy to Trust or Suspect? hmm.. Easy to trust, because everyone deserves a chance.
033) The world is polluted or worth living in? Worth living in, even though it's polluted.
034) Is graffiti art? Some of it. The random "I <3 Anne" etc. stuff isn't. D:
035) What design is on your favorite Badge/Pin? I love lovely Beam's design, it's so.. pink and cute. XD
036) Would you play in a Tin Pin Slammer competition? Sure, I'd give it a try.
037) Which character would you love to hang out with? I'd love to hang out with Shiki, we'd have so much to talk about! I'd also get along well with Kariya, I think. XD
038) Which character would you hate to be in a pact with? Do the reapers count? I don't think I'd get along with Konishi.
039) Is it really a Wonderful World or does it End With You? It's a wonderful world. I'm in an optimistic mood!