Beat the Noise

Aug 12, 2008 20:34


001) Name:
Lauren, I mostly go by Takato, though, so feel free to use either~
002) Age:
003) Spoiler-free votes?
Finished everything, including the secret reports, the special ending and Another Day. Spoilers not required (though I love them dearly)
004)Do you want to be voted as a boy, girl, does it not matter?
Boy, plz!

You must provide three links to other applications you have already voted for.

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005) Strengths-
I'm loyal towards those I trust with all my heart. Some would probably say too loyal for my own good, as I don't usually see something bad coming until it's too late to go back and reverse everything. I have amazing willpower at times when I need it the most, and I can offer advice when I have a sound head and proper thought. I'm probably one of the kindest people you'll ever have the pleasure of knowing, though I stray far from the 'heart of gold' crap.

006) Weakness-
I'm gullible, incredibly gullible when it gets down to the nitty gritty of it. I can cry at the drop of a hat when something upsets me a great lot, and even when I'm feeling depressed (though crying is a good thing, because it gets it off your chest). I don't have a great pain threshold either, and I break out in a sweat at the sight of a needle. I'm also not the bravest person around, but I will hold my own ground if I see reason to.

007) Likes-
I like reading, computers, writing, drawing, listening to music, mythology, history, cultures, V-Kei, video games (esp. Subasekai), movies, rain, a good excuse to do nothing at all, animals, sugar, traveling, and role playing over MSN.

008) Dislikes-
I hate Mary Sues and close-minded people (your horizons will never be broadened if you don't keep an open mind), crowded places, labels, trends, stereotypes, fashion, kids, preps, bullies, jocks, and my hormones.

009) Hobbies-
I take Tae Kwon Do lessons twice a week, Mondays and Wednesdays. Though I've only recently started, I thoroughly enjoy it and graduated to Yellow Belt in March (unfortunately I'll miss my next grading because it clashes with a convention I'm attending). It doesn't feel like you're excercising, and you learn how to defend yourself at the same time. It also lets me take stress off my shoulders and release tension.

I enjoy cosplaying with my friends. For the aforementioned convention I'm going to (in six weeks!) I'm cosplaying Joshua on the Saturday of the con, which I'm looking forward to doing very much so. I'm a slacker at heart, though, and don't sew most of my costumes. The only thing I've ever properly sewn was my Hyuuga Hinata jacket, which I did in about three lessons and finished trimming up at home with help from my mother.

I've been writing since I was thirteen and drawing since I was six. I enjoy both and writing helps get some things off my chest that I really need to let go of them. I enjoy people's reactions from what I write and hope to become a novelist one day in the near future with my vampire novel that has been on hold for the last year *looks at it mournfully*

010) Annoyance-
I hate people who are full of themselves and bully others. As a victim of bullying, I lost my faith in a lot of people who I thought were my friends but ripped the proverbial rug out from underneath my feet. It's one of the reasons I'm so weary of people I meet and think I'll get along with.

011) Favorite School Subject(s)-
I took Ancient Civilizations two years in a row in College. I love it all; the history, the mythology, the cultures. I actually wanted to go to university this year and study history formally but because of a rare medical condition I have, I wouldn't have been able to pay attention to it and do the required work properly.

012) Dream and goal-
To become a novelist has always been my dream and goal in life. From the works of Enid Blyton to Stephenie Meyer, I aspire to become someone whose works will be read and loved.


013) What's your favorite brand (game or real life)?
I don't follow brands in real life, but in the game I love Lapin Angelique and Tiger Punks. I love EGA and EGL in reality, so Lapin Angelique was like a playground to me (my Neku is currently wearing the lace bonnet, Vampire Dress and platform shoes *sniggers*)

014) What is your typical style?
Casual, usually something long-sleeved even in the summer time. I love anything black and purple, and some dark red as well.

015) What outfit are you not brave enough to wear?
Bikinis. I don't have the figure for them >_>

016) Is there a certain piece of accessory that you constantly wear or carry?
The wrist band that goes with my Roxas cosplay <3

017) Let's dress Neku up in a--!
Silk amethyst spaghetti-strap nightie and the D+B black bikini *whips out cell phone to take pictures*


018) How do you listen to your music?
iPod Shuffle, with the volume turned up nice and loud.

019) What are you listening to at this moment?
Over the Hills and Far Away by Nightwish. It's one of my favourite songs.

020) If you had a background theme, what would it be?
November Rain by Guns n Roses. I was born in November, and this song has a lot of meaning for me.


021) What kind of food would you constantly munch on?
Pocky~ the strawberry-flavoured kind. And Cantonese beef ramen, mmm~

022) What is your favorite restaurant to eat at?
I currently dine atSakura, because they're the only place that makes Cantonese beef ramen...and the chef looks like Ken Doi and one of the workers looks like 777 with black hair XD

023) Any drink you prefer to go down with your meal?
Orange juice, or caffeine-free coke, plskthx


024) What does friendship mean to you?
Everything. I couldn't live without my friends. They're like my second family, and I always have a place to go to when there are troubles at home or I need to get away for the weekend.

025) In exchange for a chance at life, what would be your fee or most precious thing to give up?
Memories. I have many precious ones, even though I've forgotten many over the years, and memories are more precious than my sight or hearing. To have no memory would be to have no past and no future, and that makes me sad =(.

026) If faced with the decision between harming your friends or letting harm come to yourself, what would you do?
I'd let harm come to myself. I'm not very brave or heroic or anything, but harm my friends and I'll deal the pain back double time.

027) Someone has just forced a pact with you and they're your complete opposite!
Well, I have a friend who is my exact polar opposite, so I know how I'll get along with this person...provided I don't kill them first.

028) Get Ready! Time to fight! What's your style (full force, weapon, tactical...)?
I prefer tactical. Thinking out my strategies before relaying the details to my dear partner.

029) If there was a place you'd meet your friends, family, or associates where would you pick?
Somewhere that we all know, like a place in the local mall or the restaurant I mentioned before.


030) Betrayal or Sacrifice?

031) Teach or Learn?

032) Easy to Trust or Suspect?
Suspect, it's harder to trust someone if you don't know them well enough

033) The world is polluted or worth living in?
The world is polluted, yes, but somewhere underneath the dust and grime is a shiny new world worth giving everything we've got for.


034) Is graffiti art?
Depends on your perspective. As an artist, I believe it is a form of art and can be used sufficiently enough...the disappointing fact of the matter is that the people who tend to use graffiti are idiots.

035) What design is on your favorite Badge/Pin?
I like the black rose pin from Lapin Angelique (forgotten the use)

036) Would you play in a Tin Pin Slammer competition?
Nope. Though I'm good, I hate Tin Pin Slammer.

037) Which character would you love to hang out with?
Joshua. I'd have so much fun with him and messing with Neku *giggles*

038) Which character would you hate to be in a pact with?
Beat. Characters like his always grind my nerves a great deal, and I hate his speak (it's so hard to copy for fanfiction purposes!)

039) Is it really a Wonderful World or does it End With You?
The world always ends with you


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