001) Name: Wing!
002) Age: 17
003) Spoiler-free votes? Well, I'm only on Beat's level (haven't had time to play video games at all lately D|)... But I suppose, I don't mind really...
004) Do you want to be voted as a boy, girl, does it not matter? Doesn't matter, just go with whatever's best haha
You must provide three links to other applications you have already voted for.
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005) Strengths- Strengths... Hmm, I really don't know about my strengths... But I guess I'm a person to talk to when you're down? I've had a few long talks with friends where there was sappy and crying and emotion all round usually from myself b'awwing like an idiot... Er, I've been told I emphathise well...
006) Weakness- I'm probably like a clam or something; I'm rather stubborn, old fashioned and very shy when I first meet you... Urm, I also have low self confidence? I'm not very good at huge gatherings (in fact, I tend to avoid them as much as possible xDD;;)
007) Likes- Quite a lot of things, haha... I have so many likes! Hmm, *lists*, animanga, video games, teddies, scarves, reading, writing, relaxing and chilling out really... I like quiet, peaceful days - they're good for the soul :Db
008) Dislikes- Not much really... Personally, it will always be my own bad qualities xD;; I try my best to improve them however... Not really working though... Generally, I don't like insects, having to rush about and pressure
009) Hobbies- Reading, writing, making icons, trying to teach myself random things like html maybe xD?
010) Annoyance- er... I guess... *thinks* myself and my self confidence *hit* When there's too much sun? It makes me feel like I should curl up in a ball and sleep... xD;
011) Favorite School Subject(s)- ENGLISH. Without a doubt, I think it's one of my strengths, because seeing the hidden meanings within books gives them a whole new perspective ♥! I also really like History, even if it stresses me a lot, because it's rather interesting learning about the past and all that jazz~
012) Dream and goal- To become better, yah! That's a constant goal, and... as an overall goal? I would like to settle down in a nice place, maybe the countryside, and live in a small mansion and just relax for the rest of a hopefully peaceful life /o/
FASHION IS A WAR... ...It is?
013) What's your favorite brand (game or real life)? er... H&M? I personally don't really care about brands, just as long as the quality's good and it's cheap D| H&M do really nice jewellry...
014) What is your typical style? I'm rather tomboyish in what I wear: meaning usually just a t-shirt and some jeans? I like to wear whatever's comfortable, I don't like being in tight clothes. If I can get away with it, I'll add a necklace or maybe a scarf I have a collection! xD
015) What outfit are you not brave enough to wear? S-Skimpy clothes, like spaghetti tops because of my bad skin and hotpants (xD) because I'm not too confident in my legs.
016) Is there a certain piece of accessory that you constantly wear or carry? Yup! I have a jade monkey necklace that I've had since birth. I use it as a good luck charm, and often clutch it when I'm in a bad situation like an exam or something. It dangles on a red string so I often find myself playing with it like a dowser. er, I also tend to chew on it if I'm bored and I never seem to actually realise that I'm doing it orz...
017) Let's dress Neku up in a--! HEH HEH HEHHH Kitty ears! Catboys are so cuteeeee~ ♥♥
018) How do you listen to your music? Well, er, I usually don't like background sound interferring with my music i.e. someone talking over it while I'm listening to it on the bus or something... So that means I have no choice but to turn it up... I don't really like doing it though since it hurts my ears, so I actually like listening to it in the background whilst I'm doing something, or when I'm in my room and am free to headbang/dance/sing along to it xDD
019) What are you listening to at this moment? THE HUSH SOUND ♥ Did not rig this question... I love them ever since they were able to get me out of a bad mood. I find the female lead singer's (argh, don't know her name) voice really clear and cute, so it often gives quite a happy tune. I also like the use of keyboard and guitar in their songs.
020) If you had a background theme, what would it be?
Pachelbel's Canon, I suppose? I really like it! It's beautiful, calm, uplifting, has violin! Very good points indeed~
THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD... Itadakimasu!
021) What kind of food would you constantly munch on? Hmm... Pocky! Haha, I used to eat them (it?) when I was little without ever knowing what they were called... I remember calling them '(in Chinese) chocolate sticks', and then I found out how popular they were and just continued eating them with the right name xD I would have picked crisps, because they are really nice... But they give me a sore throat if I eat too many...
022) What is your favorite restaurant to eat at? Hmm, I haven't been to a restaurant for a while... *usually eats at home* Er, I suppose the Great Wall; it's a Chinese restaurant where all of us (my high school friends) used to go almost everytime we had a celebration - because my friend had connections there, meaning she could get discounts, but she found it impolite not to leave tips, so she leaves tips that end up nullifying the discounts xD. I remember we last went to celebrate us all leaving high school and moving onto college; there was much laughter xDD /personal story
023) Any drink you prefer to go down with your meal? TEAAAA. I love Chinese tea for it's purifying taste and English tea is nice with English food
DEATH... How grim and blunt of a subtitle...
024) What does friendship mean to you? Very, very important. It's a beautiful platonic relationship between two people where trust stems from both participants. It's disappointing how few real friendships there are in life...
025) In exchange for a chance at life, what would be your fee or most precious thing to give up? er... er... I really don't know... Should I think of a good point? My intelligence, I guess? Of course, that leaves me screwed for surviving through the Game...
026) If faced with the decision between harming your friends or letting harm come to yourself, what would you do? Harm to myself - because then at least, I personally know I can heal, where if someone gets hurt, I wouldn't forgive myself.
027) Someone has just forced a pact with you and they're your complete opposite! er... I guess we should try and work together and make up for each other's weaknesses...? Opposites attract!
028) Get Ready! Time to fight! What's your style (full force, weapon, tactical...)? Tactical! I would get beaten very badly if I just rushed in there xD
029) If there was a place you'd meet your friends, family, or associates where would you pick? Almost typed the actual destination we go to Somewhere where we all know, is easy to get to and where we can find each other.
030) Betrayal or Sacrifice? Sacrifice, I'd feel so guilty and keep fretting for the person I betrayed if I did that...
031) Teach or Learn? Ack, I can't decide. I like teaching people because it means I'm helping someone out, but I also like learning because there's never a limit to what we can learn and it's always interesting! Okay, I'll pick learning.
032) Easy to Trust or Suspect? Er... *rereads...* ...Oh! er, I'm probably easy to suspect people. Due to my intial guarded personality, it takes me a while to get a general vibe and open up...
033) The world is polluted or worth living in? Worth living in! If it's polluted, then unpollute it.
TWISTER... That just reminded me of the ickyice cream...
034) Is graffiti art? Yes, depending. If it's like
Banksy, it can be considered an art form. Vandalism (the other kind of graffiti) isn't art though...
035) What design is on your favorite Badge/Pin? In game wise, it's
Yoshimitsu, I abuse this pin like hell D| er, pretty wise... I suppose...
Aqua Ghost... Becaused'awit'ssocute... I only like ghosts when they're depicted really cutely orz... And just for the sake of it...
I LIVE FOR FOOD. Malaysian curry soaked rice is sososososo delicious!
036) Would you play in a Tin Pin Slammer competition? er? In the game, yeah! I think I'm pretty good at Tin Pin... I think... In RL, er, I'd probably lose badly xD
037) Which character would you love to hang out with? All of them xD? I like Shiki's sense of fashion and I think I can relate with her; Beat is so upbeat (hahaha untended pun *hit*) and cheerful, it's hard not to like him; Joshua... because he's Joshua? And Neku. Because I like quiet characters, because I can relate and because theyareohsocute (I can imagine myself as one of those annoying mothers who pinch your cheeks and speak in a patronising voice D|). Oh, and Rhyme! She's so sweet... I would give them all a hug :3 Okay, maybe I should decide on one... Beat! He's my favourite out of the 5 by a margin, just because he's so funny xD (I didn't include non-player characters because this section would be so much longer DD:)
038) Which character would you hate to be in a pact with? er... Hmm... Even though I like Joshua as a character, I probably wouldn't like him in real life D|;; He's very manipulative... a-and I don't like those kind of people...
039) Is it really a Wonderful World or does it End With You? Depends on how you view things /o/?
Ack! I'm surprised at how personal some of my answers turned out to be orz orz... I hope this comm's still up and running?