My life has started...

Oct 10, 2004 00:45

So I have just returned from a party at Mashie's house. I felt that the party was not fun for me. I have come out of it actually wanting to change a few of the things that I believe are not in favor o my life. I have succeed in one thing, I am not like anyone in my family, nor my friends. So I am myself, but is that such a noble thing? You know ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

sunset_rose October 12 2004, 15:49:46 UTC
life tends to do that to ya... but it all works out in the end, or so we like to tell ourselves.


agey_g October 18 2004, 19:33:48 UTC
Hate to break it to ya', but, it is never going to get better; so just suck it up and deal.

-DJ Inne


anonymous October 24 2004, 12:45:46 UTC
Things will get better. It just takes time.


im sorry mrshmlooo December 1 2004, 16:06:17 UTC
this is a bit belated....but if u ever do take a look back on this thing, you'll know that i am sorry for what happened...i enjoy talking to you about things, i cant recall a day when i have or ever will lie to you so i hope you take what i say seriously, things didnt work out the way either of us planned but as we said, fate doesnt want it to be that way, thats just the way it is. You are lucky you have kellie, shes a great person, and she is lucky she has you for the same reason. Im proud of you for how you've been doing in school while juggling one act, golf and forensics ur band etc deserve to be happy....i hope u are......

when u do look back on this you'll sorry



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