Title: Scrapbooking
subreadjaRating: PG
Pairing: Minho/Key
Summary: Minho questions one of Key's hobbies.
"Why do you do that?" Minho asked quietly, voice slightly muffled from the way his chin sat atop his hands. He was sitting backward in his chair, something Key absolutely hated, but was getting away with it since Key was completely distracted.
"Do what?" The older boy asked, eyes concentrated on the outline of the model's figure, cutting carefully around her. His tongue stuck out in the corner of his mouth, making Minho blush a little at how cute the involuntarily habit was. Instead of making it obvious, he turned to cough once against his own shoulder before nodding at the magazines in a pile on the table, next to the open scrapbook.
"You cut out wedding stuff for girls all the time. And...you spend a lot of time on it, creating dream weddings but you're um...you're not a girl. This...None of this applies to you."
Key's fingers faltered a moment before continuing to cut. "I know. I just...like pretty things. And it seems a waste to not...document my ideas." He let out a soft laugh. "I know...I know I can never get married in a long billowy gown with gloves and pearls and lace...and all that. I know it will never happen..." Key got quiet for a moment, sighing softly. "I won't even be able to have a wedding...probably."
Minho swallowed, feeling a lump in his throat as he looked at his best friend. In a second, he was standing up and turning his chair around, leaving the room for a moment only to come back with another pair of scissors. "Tell me how I can help."
Key looked up, smiling warmly and reaching over to place a magazine, thick from dog eared pages, directly in front of Minho. "Anything that's starred, cut out, BUT CAREFULLY, okay?" Minho nodded quickly with a smile, and started sifting through the pages, then cutting them out--CAREFULLY--and setting the cut outs next to Key whenever he finished one.
After a while of working together in silence, he cleared his throat. "I think...I think you could have a fairytale wedding hyung." Key smiled gently at his efforts, not looking up from the page he was cutting as Minho continued. "I think there's someone out there willing to give you the world and more, no matter what it takes or who says it's not allowed."
Key let out a soft tinkling laugh. "Like who?" His answer came a second later when Minho dropped his scissors and his face burned bright red. Key blushed too, looking down at his hands.
"Canada," Minho whispered, looking up at him finally, "Is really beautiful this time of year, I hear."
I wrote this a while ago but am just now refinding it along with others. Again, written 15 minutes for Sabrina after a prompt; Key, Minho, Wedding Magazines. Do with it what you will.