Title: The Universe and All of Its Infinite Possibilities
subreadjaRating: PG
Pairing: Minho/Onew
Summary: A little light pillow talk.
"Do you ever think about how weird it would be if...there were really other universes? Like alternate universes. Where things happen differently. Where...we're the same people but we've made different choices."
Minho is quiet, and Jinki thinks maybe he waited too long to voice his thoughts, and he's fallen asleep. But a second later, Minho's turning over in his bed and facing Jinki from across the small dorm room. "If you think about it...it would be impossible. I mean...disregarding the theory of a single alternate universe, if everyone was themselves, that means somewhere along the line the same people made the same choices to come into existence. Like your parents still met and fell in love and had you. But if you don't make the same choices, who's to say that your parents did, or their parents, or their parents, so on and so forth, leading to the impossibility of your existence being the same as this one, which means that everything is simply too random and complicated to even bother questioning, and that you should probably go to sleep."
There's a pause before Jinki sucks his teeth quietly, though in the complete silence of the moment, it's as loud as a gunshot. "You suck at this existential midnight conversation crap," He mumbles, and pulls the covers more tightly around him, and Minho's soft, low laugh is heard throughout the room.
"Mianhae, hyung. I'll try again. What were you asking? What if we'd never met?" Minho looks to Jinki, eyes having adjusted to the darkness and able to make out the dark pile a little bit away from him, before pale skin peeks up from beneath the covers, topped with a lightish colored mop of hair. "Is that the question you were getting to?"
Another pause and Jinki clears his throat before murmuring softly. "Yeah. I guess."
Minho considers this. To be honest, he doesn't think alternate universe Minho would care if he didn't know Jinki existed. But he thinks of things the way he knows Jinki's thinking about them. What if they hadn't met? What if they'd missed out on each other? What if, more likely, they...as themselves, Minho and Jinki, or Jinki and Minho or Jinki with Minho, or any of that, went away? What if? "I don't want to live in a universe where I don't know you, Lee Jinki. I quite like this one where you're the best, sweetest, dorkiest guy I know. I'm happy with this."
He can hear the sound of a soft exhalation, but can't tell if it's a sigh of relief or the sigh of disappointment. His answer comes when Jinki starts shifting, and suddenly he's lifting himself out of bed and coming over to Minho, climbing into the taller one's bed and settling in easily, like he belonged there.
Maybe he did.
Minho smiles, suddenly humbled and grateful that the universe, in all of its infinite possibilities, places them here, together, in this moment. His arms come around Jinki's middle, soft worn fabric of the t-shirt he always sleeps in feeling lovely and familiar as he pulls him closer and buries his face in the older boy's hair. "I guess we're pretty lucky, aren't we?" He whispers quietly, and a sleepy noise of approval comes from Jinki that makes Minho smile even wider, because of course, after all that, Jinki's falling asleep in his arms.
He nuzzles Jinki's warm cheek before pressing a soft kiss to it. "Good night, hyung." He mumbles against his skin, and there's only a faint noise from Jinki before his quiet, even breathing tells Minho he's asleep. He listens to it, letting it set the pattern for his own breathing and feeling, suddenly, and quite existentially in tune with the universe.
Even though OnHo is my main otp (sorry JongYu) I realize this is only the second thing I've actually officially written for them, and this ficlet, like the last, doesn't actually say whether they're together or not.
Da fuq is wrong with me? Why can't I write them happily together? Like they are in my heartsoul? Then I realized that I never write anyone together. And that my fics always start with dialogue.
And now I'm spiraling.