Frequently Asked Question:
subrosa_tennis looks kind of interesting. What is it, and how does it work?
Basically, this is a challenge where the fics have the author names removed. The main challenge for everyone is to guess who wrote what fic.
Frequently Asked Question: Wait, there are prizes?
Yes! We have a prize for the author who writes the best themes-challenge fic (maybe even a runner-up or two), a prize for the reader or author (we don't discriminate) who makes the most accurate guesses, and a prize for any challenge anyone decides to sponsor (eg. Ai's Challenge). Anyone who wants to sponsor a challenge is welcome to--they need to judge their own challenge, obviously. ^_^ Prizes pledged are commited to
subrosa_tennis, and if no one meets the challenge this round, they roll over to the next.
subrosa_tennis is not:
It is not a fic exchange. There are no assignments, and even the themes challenge is entirely optional.
subrosa_tennis is:
- A challenge to see if your writing style is easily recognizable, or to see if you can disguise yourself successfully!
- A mixed bag--people write anything and everything. This may be somewhat-guided by mod-decided themed rounds, but we haven't done any of those yet.
- Entirely voluntary and penalty-free. No pinch-hitters, no threats of bannination. The only thing that might result in a ban would be plagiarism.
- FUN!
If you have other questions, please feel free to ask here, anon or not!