Scorched IC Contact

Mar 11, 2010 08:45

This is Allen Walker. I apologize that I'm currently not available, but I'm promise I'll get back to you as soon as poss--

[ Clatter ]

Timcampi? Stop it! Why are you jealous? It's not even a golem--Tim! Come back with i--

[ Raises his voice here. ] I'm sorry about that. Anyway, please leave a message if I'm not around.



rp, scorched, ic contact

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Comments 6

Voice lenalee_lee August 12 2010, 03:18:21 UTC
Allen? Are you there? I was wondering...

I wanted to ask your opinion on something.


subrusticus_xiv August 12 2010, 04:06:24 UTC
Ah, yes, I'm here.

Ask away. [ He smiles. ]


lenalee_lee August 12 2010, 15:28:10 UTC
Do you think it's okay to go to Dismas as long as you're with other people? Not just any time! Just while they're selling things. I...I heard they have some really interesting shoes.

I'd ask my brother about it, but I'm pretty sure I know what he'd say.


subrusticus_xiv August 12 2010, 15:58:50 UTC
I think it's fine, Lenalee. There's safety in numbers. I was...thinking about going down there, but I haven't yet.

Maybe if Kanda and I go with you, he won't say anything?


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