A magnificent roar shook the heavens, the city burning brightly below. BANG! CRASH! SMASH!!!
He stood triumphant above the last building in Manhattan. The Empire State remained tall and proud, a dazzling trophy above the carnage and destruction around it. Fire arched from his bellowing throat. His mighty stomps shook the ground in unison with his victory theme throughout his final approach to this most coveted victory, one of the shining emblems of the city.
Raidzilla struck New York. And boy, was it awesome. Human shrieks were sonnets to his ears, the pattern of destruction was like a chess game he played with… well, himself. No one could top the King of the Monsters, right? Pfft. Of course not. He was a living legend.
The Empire State was puny beneath his scaly bulk. He opened his mouth to take a nice, big chomp out of human civilization. Steel and glass were nutritious and delicious for lunch. You know, aside from the human flesh and fire-roasted Central Park.
All right, fine, the panicky humans inside the building provided a pretty good garnish. Relish might be a good touch for his next conquest.
A single, melodic shriek stopped Raidzilla’s monstrous jaws in its track. Normally, a shriek would merely encourage the beast, but there was something different about it. Something feminine, familiar and warm. He recoiled and tilted his head, peering at the top of the Empire State to locate the source of the scream.
It came from a single, dark-haired woman with tender green eyes. Her plump, sad face glowed amongst the burning city.
She mouthed the monster’s name, his true name, slowly reaching out as if to pat Raidzilla softly on his snout.
He stared quizzically, brow furrowed. Cute, huh?
She smiled uneasily.
He sniffed.
And stared.
And stared.
And stared, his eyes narrowing with rage-
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.
Hm. Needs salt.
Wrong monster to use your wily womanly charms on, girl. King Kong might have shown mercy, but not Raidzilla.
“Good,” a mysterious voice called out to the monster. “You’ve done me proud, Jackie-boy. You’ve done me proud... And this was only the first.”
*Hoarse and groggy* Like a monster. Just what you wanted, huh.
*Rustle rustle. Suddenly there is dead silence, spanning the course of a good 15 seconds. Jostles the DreamBerry with a clawed hand. Peers into it in consternation.*
... Oh no.
[City Pass payment, dream 1 of 2]