in progress or scheduled
001. Go snorkeling in shallow, tropical waters (like on stock photos, haha)
002. See the Aurora Borealis
003. Go to a haunted house
004. Keep my new year's resolutions
005. Watch The Godfather
006. Beat Secret of Mana
007. Go to the opera
008. Go to the symphony - (twice in 2012)
009. Go to the ballet
010. Visit ten (special, anticipated) restaurants in the Seattle area that we've never been to [3/10] (stopped counting)
011. Write a letter to my future self each year [2/3]
012. Read Ben's favourite books
013. Go kayaking
014. Tag my digital music correctly
015. Sleep under the stars
016. Make snow angels
017. Try parasailing - (november 2012 in mexico)
018. Use up all of the fabric I currently have (i gave it to annika, who is making me things)
019. Sort and edit/upload all of my worthy travel photos
020. Make a wedding fascinator
021. Make a font of my handwriting
022. Finish the screenplay
023. Finish the script for the comic book
024. Throw a party
025. Write and record a song
026. Make a mix tape for my sister
027. Get kitchen herbs and don't kill them this time (the winter finally got them...but my new ones are thriving)
028. Reduce our electricity use by 20%
029. Fix the doors to the laundry area
030. Get wood floors put in the condo
031. Get my mum and grandmum's recipes and digitize them
032. Make pasta from scratch
033. Use the slow-cooker
034. Move to Seattle
035. Make a household budget
036. Decorate the bedroom so that it is romantic and relaxing
037. Buy only 'necessities' for one month (exceptions for nice fruits and vegetables)
038. Compost at home
039. Install a programmable thermostat
040. Donate bridesmaid dresses and other clutter to charity
041. Learn to make creme brulee
042. Learn to drive stick
043. Learn to snowboard
044. Take a film production course
045. Learn basic photography and editing
046. Learn to be a 'power user' of my mac
047. Learn basic graphic design (enough to let me make the kind of websites I'd like to do)
048. Brush up on French enough to feel comfortable again (using the French language CDs that Ben gave me and reading books in French)
049. Read 200 books (I have been really bad at counting, but I'm reading a lot)
050. Learn a bit about playing records
051. Take Ben to meet my grandmum
052. See my nephew enjoying Disneyland
053. Visit my Great Aunts in New York and Maryland
054. Get engaged
055. Track down some family heirlooms that certain family members are being dramatic about
056. Write Lady a real letter
057. Help my dad document his stories
058. Take my brother to go-kart racing and mini-golf
059. Visit my paternal grandparents' and maternal grandfather's graves
060. Save up a 20% down payment for the type of house we'd likely buy
061. Figure out what to do with my 401k instead of just leaving it in the default fund (with this economy, i am just not touching it)
062. Pay off my car
063. Donate at least 10% of my income to worthy causes each year [0/3] (i did a really poor job of tracking this for 2008; i am awful at keeping receipts. i think i did okay, though)
064. Participate in five successful (completed) microloans through kiva.org [5/5] - (i've done tens of them)
065. Gain five pounds of muscle [0/5]
066. Stop biting nails constantly/keep them manicured and healthy
067. Make and keep regular check ups and dentist appointments each year [2/3]
068. Take ballet classes
069. Learn and try NFP/FAM
070. See a neurologist for causes/treatment of cluster headaches
071. Tone up my legs, behind, and abs
072. Create a living will
073. Become CPR certified
074. (private)
075. Get braces
076. Find out my blood type
077. Attend a Tridentine Mass
078. Participate in religious education
079. Get Confirmed
080. Take three trips/road trips with friends [3/3]
081. Unplug in the bedroom
082. Have a birthday party
083. Register to be a bone marrow donor
084. Skillshare with my friends
085. Find a job that I feel good about, that is in line with my values and goals
086. Go to Burning Man
087. Visit Washington's State Parks
088. Stay at the Sylvia Beach Hotel in Newport, OR
089. Visit the Greek Islands
090. Visit Japan
091. Visit Ireland
092. Visit the Johnson Space Center or Cape Canaveral
093. Use all of my paid time off (I quit my job and cashed it out).
094. Go to LoveFest again
095. Get Ben a passport
096. Take a vacation chosen by Ben
097. Go camping
098. Take five weekend trips [2/5]
099. Use Shilo scrip
100. Go to Loreto, Mexico
101. Visit the ocean when it is stormy