9 11 10 - Summary

Nov 09, 2012 22:18

To people who might be thinking of starting the fic, but want to know more than can be gleaned from the summary ( Read more... )

friday is fanday, fanfiction, darkfic, 9 11 10, xmfc

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Comments 10

kernezelda June 14 2013, 02:51:51 UTC
I've been following 9 11 10 for about six months now. It is a marvel and a gem.

Regarding Frost's diamond choker in Chapter 29, are either of the two necklaces linked below similar to what you had in mind?


I'm sorry to intrude on your LJ; I haven't figured Tumblr out.


subtilior June 29 2013, 20:01:05 UTC
It is not an intrusion! I'm glad you're here. :) The first image is very similar to what I pictured: small jewels in a band, without any flyaway ornaments.

I'm glad you like the fic!


estioe February 5 2014, 09:33:50 UTC
(starting in Part IV) major character death.

That scares me. Is it Charles or Erik? I have a huge phobia and a squick of major character deaths (basically someone dying who's in a relationship, in this case, Charles or Erik).

You can PM me if you don't want to give it away here. I hope you can tell me, because it is triggering for me. :/


tomatorenegade October 25 2014, 17:54:06 UTC
Uhm, regarding some of the warnings.
I was wondering if you could maybe send me a message with the chapters that fit the dub/non-con warning. It doesn't have to be all of them, just the ones that may be gaphic or particularly intense, so I can skip/through it quickly.
If it isn't too much to ask.


subtilior November 1 2014, 20:15:57 UTC
Hello, hello!

Thanks for your comment. The chapters that fit the dub/non-con warning most are: 16, 20, 31, and 32. (16 is not nearly as graphic as the others.) Chs. 9, 20, and 31 are particularly violent between Charles & Erik as well.

I hope that this is helpful!


bluedrop12 July 10 2015, 16:00:23 UTC
Hi, sorry to intrude, but I'd just read the comment concerning Major Character Death ^^ so I checked the story posted on ao3 but it isn't tagged in the Archive warnings or the tags.

Could I please know through pm if it's either Erik or Charles?

I have a major squick for MCD if it concerns one or both halves of the main romantic pairing, and would rather be spoiled of who dies than stew over it in heartbreak.

Sorry for the bother :\


anonymous September 3 2015, 03:39:36 UTC
Just couldn't help but noticed how dashing that swirling chicken looked :)


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