Jul 24, 2005 09:05
And here again, another sunday. Oh the possibilities...
Headline..."As Emily nears, coastal residents flee inland."
Jul 14, 2005 18:59
Hey guys look! It's July. So not too much has changed around the emily household, basically just sleeping at night then dancing during the day.
Random fact of the day: Lee likes yellow
Poll of the Day: How many licks does it take to get to the center of a totsie roll pop?
May 29, 2005 13:22
Anouncement!(clears throat)
I auditioned for Dansters, my dance studio's competitive dance team, on Friday the 13th. Ironicly my audition number was thirteen. I recived a letter in the mail, I made the group! I'm pretty thrilled. I have to give the idea some time to sink in.
May 18, 2005 17:11
Today was sweet sour, mainly sweet. School is almost over. Hello my love, summer
May 16, 2005 18:57
Tetris is pretty cool.
If you had to eat a duck, would you name it first? I would,..actually I already named a duck at the duck pound, Sqeaker
Poll of the Day: What does Laundry make you think of?
Oh yeah, Stacey and I already have our Halloween costumes planed out. Watch out for the Return of the Jedi Knights!
May 08, 2005 17:55
We all need a little more lunch in our lives, don't you agree?
The weekend is the fruit of the week. Sunday is when that fruit starts to rot.
Poll of the Day: If you were stuck on an island what RRHS teacher would you pick you come with you.
Apr 25, 2005 15:00
Nice things aren't what they seem
Sometimes I think, Why shower? Then I think, Oh yeah so I'll have friends.
Poll of the day: What is your take on spandex?
Apr 21, 2005 18:44
I'm making some change, it's nice
In other news,- I just killed a mesquito with my bare hands, it's like thats my super power or something. I know, I'm awesome.
Poll of the day: How do you like your eggs?