From yoh_kun.

Jan 15, 2007 04:01

ABC of MeThe Letter AAre you available?:Nope. But I'm not taken, either. What is your age?:Seventeen for two more months. What annoys you?:Half of everything and most of the rest of it. The Letter BDo you live in a big house?:Nope. When is your birthday?:March 11. Who is your best friend?:Rachel. yousogaisaki. The Letter CWhat's your favorite candy?:Nnn... Reese's cups. Who's your crush?:No one. When was the last time you cried?:Last night, probably. I think. The Letter DDo you daydream?:Yeah, all the time. What's your favorite kind of dog?:Siberian Huskies. What day of the week is it?:Monday. The Letter EHow do you like your eggs?:Scrambled; a little fluffy. Have you ever been in the emergency room?:Yeah. What's the easiest thing ever to do?:Fuck up. The Letter FHave you ever flown in a plane?:Yeah. Do you use fly swatters?:When I have to. Have you ever used a foghorn?:... No. The Letter GDo you chew gum?:Yeah, but I suck at it. I do it all at once. Are you a giver or a taker?:Taker. Do you like gummy candies?:Not a whole lot, but the sour ones are nice. The Letter HHow are you?:Kinda bored. What color is your hair?:Copper-blonde with red highlights? The Letter IWhat's your favorite ice cream?:Blue Moon or Superman. Have you ever ice skated?:Nope. Do you play an instrument?:Nope. The Letter JWhat's your favorite jelly bean brand?:Jolly Rancher. Do you wear jewelry?:A shitload. The Letter KWho do you want to kill?:No one in particular right now. Do you want kids?:God, no. Where did you go for kindergarten?:Hadley Elementary in Hadley, Michigan. The Letter LAre you laid back?:Totally. Do you lie?:All the fucking time. The Letter MWhats your favorite movie?:The Road to El Dorado, man. Do you still watch Disney movies?:Yup. Do you like mangos?:Not really. The Letter NDo you have a nickname?:Several. What is your real name?:... Moriah Dawn Mac Donald was my birth name. Whats your favorite number?:Twenty-one. Do you prefer night over day?:Always. The Letter OWhat's your one wish?:You know, I don't know. Are you an only child?:Unfortunately not. The Letter PWhat one fear are you most paranoid about?:I can't be around sick/injured people. What are your pet peeves?:Bad spelling and grammar. What's a personality trait you look for in people?:A good sense of humour. The Letter QWhat's your favorite quote?:“To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting.” Are you quick to judge people?:Yes. The Letter RDo you think you're always right?:Mostly. Are you one to cry?:These days. The Letter SDo you prefer sun or rain?:Rain. Do you like snow?:In small amounts. What's your favorite season?:Autumn. The Letter TWhat time is it?:5:57 am. What time did you wake up?:5:18 pm. When was the last time you slept in a tent?:Uh. August, two years ago. The Letter UAre you wearing underwear?:Yep. Underwear or boxers?:The former. The Letter VWhat's the worst veggie?:Sauerkraut. Where do you want to go on vacation?:Japan, maybe. But it's hot there. The Letter WWhat's your worst habit?:Slacking off. Where do you live?:The Bible Belt. What's your worst fear?:Being helpless. The Letter XHave you ever had an x-ray?:Yep. Have you seen the x-games?:Nnnno. Do you own a xylophone?:Sadly, no. The Letter YDo you like the color yellow?:Sure. What's one thing you yearn for?:To be back home. The Letter ZWhats your zodiac sign?:Pisces. Do you believe in the zodiac?:Marginally. Favorite zoo animal?:Zebra. Or possibly tiger. Take this survey | Find more surveys
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