How many times of having sex with someone does it take to officially call them your lover? And if a one-night stand is just a one-night stand, and twice makes it more than a fling, does it automatically become something more after the third time, the fifth, the eighth, the tenth? When does a fling become more than a fling to where you can say with certainty this is my lover when you're thinking to yourself about that person?
Please do. :X
Only because he likes to know everything about everyone and doesn't like deviations from the normal.
Why should I be the one labelling your relationships and helping you through this when it is something you should solve on your own so you can find your own peace of mind and something you can live with by your own standards and not something someone else has come up with and you comformed to?
I was inviting you to stay here and share my bed with me while everyone else hunts for the big bad whatever.
Comments 13
Also, what do I get out of staying in? And why would you be worrying him? You haven't been doing anything bad that I can tell :/
Do I really have to spell it out for you?
I'm here. That seemed enough to bother him before.
Please do. :X
Only because he likes to know everything about everyone and doesn't like deviations from the normal.
I was inviting you to stay here and share my bed with me while everyone else hunts for the big bad whatever.
Isn't he just the life of the party.
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