Thanks so much for all of the well wishes and such. I still feel horrible but the pain killers will keep me sane enough. The nurse on my friend's list suggests I drink lots of vodka with the pain meds and if I hadn't taken a drinking hiatus..I just might have done it. If the vomiting doesn't stop by tomorrow I may or may not go back..I don't know
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Comments 97
Oh, and don't forget ... sff. ;-)
song- holla back girl (of course)
hmm the o clock part is weird..but I have to say 8 o clock since that's usually when we have our "coffee time"
word- Brave.
Most memorable moment would have to be the "seizure episode", not that it was a good moment..but it does stand out in my mind.
color- green (of course)
I've always wondered how you made it through those first days/weeks after Pat's death. Everyone's grief is personal but I try to picture you at that time and often wished we had been friends then.
How could I forget sff? Neva! ♥ you.
Looking back on those days I'm surprised that I made it as far as I have. I wish I knew you then. But I met you when everything was still very raw for me and you have been my angel.
Love you, Bec.
I hope you start feeling better, even with the drinking hiatus.
song- hmm, I don't know your taste in music but for some reason you conjure up lyrics of bella donna by stevie nicks.
You are 12 o clock..and I don't know why besides the fact that you're young and stay up late.
word- sharp
We haven't known one another long enough to have a lot of "memories" but I'll never forget seeing your beautiful birds for the first time.
You remind me of bright orange..and I'm not sure if I saw you use the color in an fotd or maybe you mentioned liking it?
I've often wondered how you first got involed with parrot rescue and when you first fell in love with them.
Get better, m'kay? *hug*
song- american woman by the guess who
You are mom o clock. ;)
word- beautiful
As for most memorable moment..I'm not sure. I'll always remember the fact that I agreed with you when some of our mutual friends were going through rough times, I found you to be smart and I loved your view on the touchy subjects...and the maroon pigment will always remind me of you.
You remind me of lilac or iris..soft purple shades.
I've always wondered how you met B and what your future plans together are.
song- undone by weezer
you are crazy o clock
your word is definitely resilient
My most memorable moment of you was when you were so open about the tragedy you have suffered in your life..I admire that so much.
You remind me of red.
I've always wondered how you cope with your injury and if you grieve the things you lost.
Good question, I'll let you know as soon as I answer it.
I didn't have time to grieve after the accident. I hate the way this is going to sound, but I really felt like I had to just keep going for everyone around me. Its just a long story. After December I thought I'd dealt with everything. I keep finding out I'm wrong. I usually am.
song-white magic for lovers-drugstore
You are 2 o clock in the morning.
I have several memorable "moments" when I think of you..but the most memorable is the first time you described your sister and your loss.
You make me think of the color aqua blue.
I've always wondered what your favorite memory of your sister is.
and since you're wondering, one of my fav memories was dancing around her room when i was 8 or so, singing alanis morissette ("Ironic") on MTV at the tops of our lungs, and insisting that we could totally win that show "Lip Sync"...
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