I wasn't all that impressed by this ep. I liked the idea a lot - the witnesses thing, but again, the execution lost me a few times. The pregnant pauses were happening too often and were too damn long. The fact that Sam and Dean still haven't sat down and talked just seems stupid to me. Maybe it's just me, but the lack of communication between characters is just getting annoying now.
Also -- we're really focusing on Dean here. What is going on in Sam's head? It's distracting and makes me fear for the future of the main story arc.
Awww, all bobby's hot chick friends are dying! I'd be sad too, Bobby!
Dear CW, stop running your damned ads over the show. It's a first run ep, you bastards, and I don't give a shit about your car giveaway.
On Nicki Aycox! I've missed you and your acting ability so much. More like you, plz.
(Also, the why-my-hair-is-different explanation was so cute.)
Bobby's house is really starting to be a little deus ex machina, don't you think? That said, I love the panic silo. It's what I would do if I was him. And really, I need some more connection points with the show, because the main story arc is starting to make me twitch.
I said it at the start of this, but I have to say it again - the confused, thoughtful look is getting old, Kripke. These guys are supposed to know what the fuck they're going when it comes to rock salt and latin (corny accents aside) and ghosts. Why on earth must they stare in confusion for 10 seconds before doing anything?? Bad Kripke, go watch more bad horror until you realize what you're doin' wrong.
I dig that Castiel is pulling rank a little bit. It's like Dean is a wayward son (see what I did there?). Also, he rocks the angelic pompadour and chapped lips.