Supernatural 4.04 - were those grated beets?

Oct 13, 2008 21:02

I really liked Jack. He was a decent actor - reminded me of Edward Norton a bit - and the story was going along in a likable direction till the poor guy had one hell of an anvil dropped on his life, all to prove a point to Sam. Honestly, do we need this much metaphoric sledgehammering?

I mean, um, Kripke - could you please be a little more subtle about this kinda thing? Pretty please? Thanks!

I liked the bit at the end, when Jack deliberately didn't say anything about his wife being pregnant. Oh Jack, you're not all bad, you beet-eating monster, you! *hugs the beastie*

Note: in my world, Sam'n'Dean would talk a little more (we got a little bit this week, right? that's a start, right? and with the research and the Sam not being able to dissemble worth a crap... it was nostalgic for a bit there, right?) Anyway, Our Boys would talk and start to really wonder *why* Castiel wants Sam to stop developing his powers and *why* Ruby wants Sam to continue. I'm betting that happens 2-3 eps from now.

That whole bit at the beginning with Sam and Ruby - I didn't buy that Sam really cared what answer possessed-guy gave to the whole "where's Lilith" question, he just wanted to make the guy vomit Demon. Hell, I just wanted to see him make the guy vomit demon.

I really, really dig the whole "I'm gonna use this power and turn it into something good" thing. That's why every D&D character I've ever played has at some point gotten themselves in a heap of trouble trying to do just that. Let's see, one got killed by a doppelganger, one started coughing up spiders, and then there was that other one who started manifesting necromantic abilities and hearing the tortured spirits of the universe cry out at odd hours... Hrm...this doesn't bode well, huh? Oh Sammy!

Also, grated beets do not equal ground beef, as any good chef or horror movie buff will tell you.

Also, I think someone's pants are on fire. That line from Sam about how it's his decision and he's not going to use his powers because because because... - was it just me or did that sound a lot like "I'm never gonna drink again because I know that it hurts someone I love so much"? And we all know how well that works. Oh Sammy!
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