I saw Children of Earth. I see what they were trying to do, but like the series, they did it in such a way that it just made me sad. Or frustrated.
The light bits didn't gel with the dark bits. It seemed disjointed overall. Character interaction was still as clunky as ever.
I did like the name Lois Habiba.
Sacrificing the kid at the end? Just seemed too dark overall.
Strangely, the 456 sucking "chemicals" from the kids from 1969 worked just fine for me.
Gwen and Rhys were pretty terrific. Yeah, sometimes they overuse Rhys as comic relief, I think, but overall I just want to root for them to make it out whole and happy.
It felt like they were telling the story of why Jack left earth, which is OK, I guess.
Don't get me started on how horrible I thought Ianto's death scene was. The whole interaction between Ianto and Jack was so clunky all the way through that I saw it coming a MILE AWAY and still didn't think it was gonna be that bad. Also - I see why they killed him, but nothing will make me like it or think it was actually necessary.
My favorite way of describing the whole 5 part series currently is: You served up a solid 5 course meal and then drowned it in WEAK SAUCE.
Good news is it's got me trolling for good fic again, which got me back on LJ again. Silver lining, right?