As this is my last day of no classes - they start tommorow at 9 in the ruddy morning- I thought, for whatever reason, I'd put up a vague round up of things that have been going on. Then I realized nothing has been going on. I worked seven damn days in a row but because they were on seperate pay weeks it's not illegal. And I've had enough days off to make it okay. Basically, they ( my boss) found a way to legally punish me for taking a vacation, I think. I don't know. BUT all the same, I get paid time off. So I don't know. It is what it is. I'm back in school schedule which, while still all closes, is only three days and no Sundays.
As for the 'why don't you quit and find a new job' angle: I will likely in Decemeber - or I'm taking a three-four week leave of absence (and I just realized this disables my Google Chrome spellcheck? Uh............ -__- Not cool LJ, not cool). I doubt I'll find another job that will let me have three weeks off to go to Europe for Christmas break. That's right, as soon as my loans get deposited in my account I'm gonna a:buy plane tickets and b: contact this ticket seller and see if I can pay extra for picking up the tickets at will-call (I want to see Russell Howard in London sooooooo bad but if I have to wait til the 17th to travel, I'm not sure I can - I don't want to cancel the order but ...) c: make plans to travel to Europe. I want to hit England for sure, Finland, and France for sure. I'll add places if I can find time/places to stay/people that want me .I'd love to hit Sweden too .(I'm looking at you, Alex :P ) And Ireland IF I can work out the time. ANY Of my European friends want to go to Liverpool with me? I don't want to go by myself. I WILL but obviously I'd rather go with a friend. I want to hit the 'hot spots' of course but I kind of want to explore other places- I have a vague idea about where Maureen grew up - waaaaaaaaaaaaay up north from the Cavern though- and if Google maps are right (and I don't see why they wouldn't be) there are some docks not far from there. I have a weird fascination with docks and water. But there is nothing up there so I don't know, maybe I'll just content myself with the hot-spots. It's Liverpool, I'm a Beatle fan. I can't help but have a good time. Anyroad, that's the answer to 'why don't you just fucking quit' ?. I can't. Not til I've been to Europe.
Um.... let's see. My brother moved to New Jersey last week. If that. For good and permanent. Which means I'll have a place to stay if I go up, which obviously a: I will b: won't be on my own til Spring semester. And I gotta admit I miss the little bugger a bit. Sometimes. Nah, I love him. But he's wanted to be in New York since practically forever. I do too, somewhat. I'm gonna start preparing for grad-school soon and I'm looking at getting my Masters in Library Science so Pratt is my favorite option of places to get it. Not as in the heart as he is in FIT but still it's in NY and as a grad student I won't have to worry about living in a typical dorm. As most of my friends are from other sides of the pond- Pratt is in Brooklyn, I think. Or near about there. It's a design school but it has one of the few American Library Association approved Master of Library Science programs. Go figure. *shrug*
There was another point but I've lost it now.
^_^ and <3 and Peace.