(no subject)

Mar 02, 2007 00:47

The Dirty Thirty... 30 unknown facts/secrets about yourself:

1. In two words, explain what ended your last relationship?
Long distance. yea...i fucking owned that question.

2. When was the last time you shaved your legs?
never. I'm not a professional swimmer. nor am i gay.

3. What were you doing this morning at 8am?
probably just going to bed. or already sleeping. one of those.

4. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
facebook shit.

5. Are you any good at math?
no, i almost didn't graduate because of that stupid shit.

6. Last night?
i forget what i did....i know i had pizza....and stuff.

7. Do you have any famous ancestors?
Bitch please. my family is full of famous people. my Great Great Great Great Great Great cousins were the girls who started the Salem witch trials, and my Great to the sixth power uncle founded Rhode island. I also had an ancestor who was George washington's body guard. and I'm related to a famous clock maker somewhere along the line too. My families full of famous people.

8. Have you ever burped in front of the opposite ?

9. Do you know the words to your myspace song?
hellz yes. "Lay with me, i'm not gunna see you again for another 500 years or so, and i fucking love it."

10. Last thing you received in the mail?
ccs skateboarding packet for ordering stuff from em.

11. How many different beverages have you drank today?
Root beer and Dr. Pepper

12. What's one thing you wish to change about yourself?
no idea.

13. What do you wish for?
a lot of stuff.

14. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?
no. I did holes for little children and adults to fall into while they run/walk/stroll/play Frisbee ect. ect. don't knock it till you try it my friends. funniest shit ever.

15. What's the most painful dental procedure you've had?
no idea. probably a cleaning or something lol

16. What is outside of your back door?
my backyard? what kind of retard came up with that question.

17. Any plans for Friday night?
who knows.

18. Do you like the ocean?

19. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different popcorn's?
no....i don't even know wtf your talking about.

20. Have you ever been to a planetarium?
HELLZ yes.

22. Something you are excited about?
the weather warming up so i can go skateboarding and play more airsoft.

23. What is your favorite flavor of JELLO?
the red kind.

24. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive?
nopes. or they might be and i just don't talk to them cuz their old.

25. Describe your key chain:
1-800-USA-navy and www.navyjobs.com with a bunch of random keys i find on it.

26. Do you like anyone in your top friends?
maybeh, maybeh not.

27. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group?
i do it all the time. stupid question. next.

28. What kind of winter coat do you have?
i don't need winter coats. I'm not a pussy. -40 degree weather couldn't stop me from wearing just a sweatshirt.

30. Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue?

(just FYI i found none of those questions to be dirty...at all.)

The Most Personal Quiz, Ever. Apparently.

1. Who were you with last night?
my mumsy and my brother and the papa dukes.

2. What woke you up this morning?

3. Where are you?
my house.

4. Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
i have no idea. i am not a prophet so i can not tell you.

5. Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
uhmmm actually yes i believe i did.

6. When is the last time you cried?
uncle arthur's funeral.

-The PAST-

7. Ever thrown up in public?
yeap 5th grade in history class. told the teacher i was going to be sick, she didnt believe me, so i barfed all over my books, all over the desks, ect. ect. first and last time i threw up that day.

8. Passed out because of alcohol?

9. What's on your mind RIGHT NOW?
more shit then i could type.


10. Would you take a bullet for anyone?
youd get a hell of alot fewer names if you asked who wouldnt i take a bullet for

11. Where would you like to live?
next to begin. we already have it planned out. i refuse to have anyone else as a neighbor.

12. What kind of home would you like?
a mansion. which ill have. and you can all come and live with me.

13. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Someone in law enforcement and a master engineer.

14. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
probably on the side walk, lets be honest here. give me some motivation to go to college for criminal justice and/or music recording and ill go.


15. Who is your number one?
teh big bro.

16. Have you kissed your number one?
no...thats gross.

17. Who was the last person that left you a comment?
no idea.

18. How often do you log in to myspace?
im logged in pretty much all day.


19.Do you like candy necklaces?:

20. When was the last time you fell over or ran into something?
who knows.

21. Do you listen to music every day?:
obviously. when do i not listen to music.

22. Do you still go trick or treating?

23. What was the last thing you ate?
pizza rolls.

24. Are you a fast typer?:

25. About how many people have you liked?
meh i dont even know.

26. What are you doing this weekend?
sat. night going out with the airsoft team because thats how we roll. and then nothing probably.

27. Whats your favorite type of SODA?

28. Have you ever moved?

29. Have you ever won an award?

30. What do you want to do right now?
go skateboarding.

31. Are you listening to music right now?
obviously. DMB to be exact.

32. Do you like someone right now?

33. Whats a word or phrase that you love?
"The T. Stands For The"

34. How long 'til your birthday?
no idea.

35. When were you the saddest in your whole life?
uncle arthurs funeral

36. What time is it?
1:09 am.

37. Do you use EBay to buy or sell?

38. What makes you mad?

40. What song makes you cry?

41. What songs make you happy
any catch 22 song.

42. What do you like to listen to before you go to bed?
what ever i have in my CD player.

43. Do you have a job?

44. What does Your CD player have in it right now?
i believe its something corporate.

45. If you were a crayon what color would you be?

46. What makes you happy?
catch 22 and my friends.

47. Whats the next CD you're gonna get?
who knows.

5'11" is what the marines said.

i forget my natural colour. dyed it too many times.

blueish green.

none but id like to get my lip peirced.

none yet. but ill probably get a catch 22 one and the eye of Rah over my heart. and probably one for my uncle too.

[wearing right now?]
bullhead jeans, addidas socks, bullhead boxers, pink floyd shirt, pink floyd sweatshirt, and my independant hat that my sis bought to replace my old one thrown out by daddys junky music.

[What taste is in your mouth?]
root beer.

[ ] Sucked for me...
[ ] Was awesome..
[x] Was okay..

2006 I..
[ ] Was dumped.
[ ] Dyed my hair
[x] Failed a class
[ ] Fell in love.
[ ] Had love at first sight
[x] Snuck out of my house
[x] Stayed up all night
[ ] Cried because I missed someone
[x] Missed curfew
[ ] Kissed someone I loved
[ ] Made honor roll
[x] Danced crazily with my friends all night
[x] Gained confidence
[x] Lost a friend(s)
[x] Gained new friends
[x] Changed look

2007 I want to...
[ ] Get better grades
[ ] Care less about how I look
[ ] Care more about how I look
[x] Be crazier
[ ] Keep my resolution
[ ] Be more of myself around people

a word to describe 2007?

something i want to happen in 2007?
something cool lol

something i dont want to happen in 2007?
stupid stuff.

my theme song for 2006 would be?
Attitude by AAF

favorite color in 2006?

Honestly, do you miss 2006?:
not really.

Rob T. Pirate



-Eye color:
Blueish Green

-Shoe size:
like a 10 in chucks, 9 1/2 in combat boots, and like a 9 in skate shoes.


-What are you wearing right now?:
already told you. not typing it out again.

-Where do you live?:
Shitty Saugus.

-Righty or lefty?:

-Best place to go for a date?
chuck-e-cheese or a nice resturaunt either one.

-If you were to have kids right now:
Id teach them to call cam uncle al and dan a loser. HA.




Cranberry Apple.

Wendys..or any fast food for that matter.



Have You Ever....

-Bungee jumped:

-Gone skinny dipping:

-Played Truth or Dare

-Been in a police car:
hellz yea.

-Been on a plane:

-Came close to dying:

-Been in a sauna:

-Been in a hot tub:

-Swam in the ocean:

-Fallen asleep in school:

-Broke someones heart:
probably who knows.

-Sat by the phone all night



-What's your room like:
messy. hasnt been cleaned since my bro joined the navy like 6 years ago. and i tore all teh wall paper off the walls and put up posters.

-What is beside you:
a window.

-What is the last thing you ate?
pizza rolls

-What kind of shampoo do you use?
green apple scented suave, if thats how you spell it.


Ever Had...

-Chicken pox:
yes thanks to my mentally challenged sister who gave it to me during christmas vacation when i was like 6......loser.

-Sore throat:

yeap. big bro hit me in the head with a shovel.

-Broken nose:


Do You...

-Believe in love at first sight:

-Like picnics:

-Like school:
yea...cuz i dont go there anymore.



-Was the last person you called:
uhmmmm murph probably.

-Did you last yell at?:
who knows. probably katie tho. lol

-Told you they loved you?
everyone. im the pirate, i hear that every day non-stop.

-Do you like filling these out?

-Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?:
the marines told me i shouldnt even be able to drive because of my eye sight...but i dont wear either of them lol

-Do you like yourself?:
i suppose.

-Do you get along with your family?
my sister mostly. were homies. i got her back, shes got mine. you know how it goes.


More Questions:

-What are you listening to right now:
alien ant farm.

-What did you do yesterday?
worked.....and i think thats it lol

-Hated someone in your family:
teh papa dukes. always have always will.

-What car do you wish to have?
jeep wrangler. red. hard top.

-Good driver:
best one out there.

-Good singer:
who knows.

-Diamond or pearl:
black diamonds and pearls.... lol good song by blackalicious.

-Are you the oldest?:

-Indoor or outdoor?:


Today did you...

-Buy something new:

-Get sick:


-Talked to an ex:

-Miss someone?:


Last person who....

-You went out to eat with?
no idea.

-You went to the mall with?
couldnt tell you. probably thomas the lockeness monster.

Have you....

-Ever been in a fight with your pet:
Gigantor? of course.

-Been to California:
no... been really close to it tho.

-Been to Mexico:

-Been to Canada:
yea... it was ghey. ill go back and give it a second try sometime.

-Been to Africa:
plan to go.

-Been to Europe:
again plan to go sometime.



-What books are you reading now:?
i dont read books. only read like 3 books my entire life. Fidel Castro's biography, Dr.Ernesto "Che" Guevera's guide to how to start and win a revolution and Holes.

-Do you sleep with a stuffed animal:

-What's under your bed:
i dont want to know.

-Favorite sport to watch:

Want my lip peirced and want several tattoos.

-What are you most scared of right now:
Most people would type "death" in here, but since i had to write out a will for the marines and face my own mortality, i dont really fear anything all too much.

-Who do you really hate?
Dan alexander and Steve angelo. lol just kidding, I dont really hate anyone. i just dis-trust and keep people at a distance if i dont like them.

-have a job:

-What's stuck in your head right now:

-Have you ever played strip poker:

-Have you ever gotten beat up:
nopes. been in a total of like 3 fights my entire life, taken like 8 punches to the face each time and then just went ape on the kids. almost got suspended in 8th grade because paul dibiase(sp) tried to put me in a head lock in the locker room and i got out of it and kept smashing his face into a locker(EDIT: when i say kept smashing, i mean it was probably like once or twice), 5th grade went ape on paul speziale and made him throw up chunks, and fought someone else... forget who tho.

-Ever liked someone but thought they'd never noticed you:



-Your Favorite Food?:
anything spicy.

-Have you ever cried for no reason?
probably when i was like 5.

-Hugs or kisses?:
either one. cept im not much a hug person anymore.

-Butter, plain or salted popcorn?:
butter and salted.

-Favorite Flower?:
no idea.

-Have you ever fired a gun?:

-Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car:

How many pillows do you sleep with?:
one non fluffy pillow.

-Do you think your ex misses you?:
i know two do. not sure about the others.
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